Stage 5-Pity and Warm feelings

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Mara was let out of the hospital and when she got home; She laid straight in her bed. She just wanted everything to be a dream, Why did it have to be Her? Why was Samantha was so upset with her about Christian and in childhood?

The knock on the door made her turn a head in a hurry,but she knew that hesitate knock;"Go away Christian, I'm not in the mood." Mara closed my eyes thinking that it would be the end of all that,but She heard the door open and close then someone flopping on her bed.

"I can't just leave like that with everything that has happened. I'm here for you. I know you need someone right so we don't have to talk, we can just lay here together until one of us falls asleep." Mara knew Christian was staring her down trying to predict her next move. Mara grabbed Christian's hand and held it to her cheek. No one said anything and by the short breathing from Mara , Christian knee she was going to sleep very slowly and hesitate hoping for a dream. When Christian waited a while watching Mara and then putting her fluffy curly hair into a bun. They were still holding hands and he smiled just a bit. He pulled his hands away and went downstairs.

(This is still third person,but it's kinda like Christian POV or narrative until Mara wakes up❤️✌🏾💅🏾-Author)

He pulled Samantha's phone from his pocket and stupid enough, Samantha didn't have a password to her phone . She has many messages, missed calls , Snapchat, Instagram, and facebook notifications. Christian shook his head in disgust when he saw a message from that J. Christian clicked on it:

J:Don't tell anyone about sexuality , please. I do love you,but I thought if I told you my sexuality that you wouldn't be so vail to me. Baby, I did what you asked. Please talk to me. You're breaking my heart in too many ways right now Samantha. Please call me when you get this or when you stop ignoring me.

Christian was hesitate before called this J dude ,but he had a gut feeling ; it was that same J from before that was messing with Mara. In no second later, A voice jumped in excited and cornered.

"Samantha, Hey; I missed you baby. When are you coming over-"

"Cut the crap! I want to meet now." Christian was demanding to get answers from the muscle man instead of the snake. "What are you talking about? Is this Christian? Listen , if you touch my girl; I swear I'll-"

"Then let's meet."

"W-what?" J voice came out as stunned and shocked. Christian didn't really care at all about J , he was more concerned with Mara well-being and why Samantha would do something like this?

Mara woke up hours after still drained and still wanted to go back to sleep, but she sat upright in her bed and re-play the events that would haunt. She hugged her knees and started rocking back and forth. Her eyes began to tear up, her lips were quivering, and her throat felt dry. Why was she so weak? Why did she need someone else to save her?

Her bedroom door opened up and it was sweaty and shirtless Christian. He ran his hands through his hair and closed the door. "Hey." His voice dropped a few volumes,but Mara didn't notice. He crawled towards her and helped her release her knees that were tightly around her." I'm here Mara, We will get through this." She pushed his hands away from her and shook her head," No, Christian; You will just leave again. Please just go and stop feeling pity for me okay? I'm fine." He got up and came toward her as she kept backing up and shaking her head. He finally hugged her and she cried in his arms.

"I don't pity you."

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