Stage 9- The truth doesn't seem true

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(Since I forgot to post pictures of them in my other chapters, Here you go 💓 I hope the story is enjoyable; I'm still working on my writing everyday so I hope you enjoy

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(Since I forgot to post pictures of them in my other chapters, Here you go 💓 I hope the story is enjoyable; I'm still working on my writing everyday so I hope you enjoy. They might have a book two or just another story. Let me know okay. Have a good one!-S)

Mara was shocked to see Christian and Sandra kissing. Tears were flowing from her eyes and she was frozen there staring at them just making out. Some boys in the background cheering and hollering. "Christian, How could you?" Mara muttered backing away. Christian looked up to see Mara with tears streaming down her eyes and her backing away. He pulled away from Sandra who was trying to get him back to kissing her. Sandra was in love with Christian and Samantha,but she was in a daze since Christian was good kisser and a good listener too. Sandra was going to kill herself, so she went to talk with Samantha; But Samantha wanted to make Mara hurt for what she did so they planned to make Mara hurt by getting at Christian. So when she went up to the practices while Samantha went over to Mara, Sandra swayed her hips to Christian playing the part,but also getting the attention to all the boys and girls. She grabbed Christian by the shoulder and pulled him to the sidelines. " What do you think your doing?"

Sandra looked at Christian for a second, who was all confused," What is it?" He placed a hand on her shoulder coming closer to her so she could smell his cologne. Sandra and Christian weren't friends,but they got close when Sandra told the truth to the principle about who pushed who and why. Which is why Samantha got in trouble and why Samantha is trying to ruin Mara's life in a way because Samantha thinks it was Mara, but it was Sandra. Sandra went to say an Apology to Christian and that when they started talking. "Christian, I don't think I can live like this anymore. It's bad at home again, and I'm afraid that mom going to touch me again." " You need to call the police, they can-" " No! If she finds out, it's me then my mom will kill me. She's right that I'm worthless and will only be toy for people to play with." "No, You are not." Christian cupped Sandra's face ," Nothing is wrong with you, You just need to call the police and get out of there now." Sandra shook her head, tears were spilling out," I can't, it would just be better if I was dead." " No!, I'm going to let that happen okay." Sandra wiped her tears and stared at Christian," Then kiss me Christian." Christian hesitated leaned in and kissed Sandra.

Christian moved away from Sandra which left her heartbroken, " I guess the planned worked." She sobbed as she watched Christian run after Mara. " Goodbye Christian." She walked in the opposite direction before being stopped by Christian's best friend, " Are you okay?" She looked at his grey eyes before looking down, " Are you okay?"  She shook her head and he helped her to the office by holding her hand.

Mara speed walked to her house and got her keys to open the door, but with Christian; you couldn't get away too easy. " Wait! Mara , I can explain." Mara turned around and Christian could see the angry in her eyes. His eyes held concern and sadness as he walked up to Mara and cupped her face, but Mara pushed him away. "Go back to your little girlfriend." Mara stayed calm even tho, she was raging inside; but she needed to calm in order to talk to him or she would have killed him and her. "Mara, Look she need my help and I did what she asked. I'm not innocent like you are anyway." She halter at him which made him shut up. " What's that suppose to me?! I didn't just see the person who kept giving me mix signals and then kiss a girl who's friends with crazy girl that wants to hurt me mentally and physically Christian. I'm in love with you, but you clearly don't love me; Do you?" He didn't answer and that when Mara knew, He was playing games. " This time, Don't show up at my house! You hear me? Because the guy I knew back then isn't here anymore. Have a good life Christian, Please leave me alone for good." She unlocked the door with her keys. Mara and Christian were both shocked to see Mara's dad at the door. " Dad, I-". " Get in the house Mara." Mara's dad moved aside and Mara went in not looking back at Christian. " Mara, Wait-" Mara's dad stepped in and blocked Christian way so he couldn't get it. " I think it's time for you to go son." He closed the door and left Christian broken-hearted.

"I'm sorry Mara. I love you too." His lips quivered as he backed away to look up at Mara's window, But the light was on and he didn't see her shadow. Is this what pain feels like? His phone rang and he answered it, " Hello." "Christian." It was Sandra and in the background, it was really echoed and windy. "Where are you Sandra?!" " I told you I would end it Christian and you didn't listen. Come and see me one last time please, I'm over at our old school with the cliff that were discovered. Do you remember Christian? Me , You , and Mara. " " I'm on my way Sandra, Whatever you don't look down and don't fall." He hung up the phone and dialed 911 while running where the location was. He didn't want to see someone he cared about die, but he needed a solution with Mara.

When he arrived, He looked at his old middle school where good memories and bad memories lived. The place where no one knew he was rich, Where he made good friend and was going to be his wife until he messed it up, and where he learned that he needed to be who he wasn't in order to have friends and bury himself. He climbed under the hole in the fence and ran in back of the school to the woods. He looked around to find the hole where he left his old flashlight. The dust and dirt had almost covered it. He hit the flashlight and it came on, he ran into the woods to find Sandra. When he arrived at the Cliff, he found no one; He was confused. Did she jump already or not? He leaned over to check, but found nothing. Suddenly, The hairs on his neck rose and he turned to see Sandra in his face. He screamed and almost fell over. Sandra laughed," Do you remember this place Christian?" He got up and backed away from Sandra. What's wrong with her? He thought she was going to do something bad. " I thought-" " I know Christian, but I wanted to ask you something." " if it's something-" "Jump with me Christian, Let's jump together."

" Baby, Are you okay?" Mara's dad stayed by the door while Mara fiddled with her stuffed bunny. "
I'm fine Dad." "No, you're not; Talk to me." He sat next to her. "Dad, Why is this happening to me? I don't understand. I've done everything right. Why is this happening to me Dad?!" Mara's dad sighed," This is God's plan for you. When something bad or confusing happening, then that means something good or a blessing is going to happen." " I hope so Dad." " No, WE know so." We hugged and he kissed my forehead. " I'm going to be around for now on okay?" Mara nodded.

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