Stage 4- Panic (Re-edited)

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Mara speed walked frantically looking for an opening or a public place , She saw a place and hurried through the alleyway ; She was almost there. Someone grabbed her hair and yanked her head downwards .She fell on the floor hitting her head. She was in pain and groaning, I tried to get up,yet someone kicked me back down. All She heard was laughing and whispers, someone grabbed her hair. "Why are you trying to steal her man away from me?" She knew it was Samantha

Her ears were ringing," imma show you, it's your fault; What you wear is the cause of this." Samantha slammed her head back down and Mara groaned and touched around her head;feeling the side of her head bleeding. She held herself close ,but someone pulled her back. She looked up and it was the same green eyes; She started breathing heavily when he got on top of her.


What was he going to do to her?? Why was this happening to her?Why?!

Mara looked around for any weapons and She kept pushing his hands away from me. She was crying feeling tears slip so much that it was a blur. Samantha was just laughing with couple of other people who were all recording. "Someone , Come and hold her hands down and her legs" The green eyed boy said. Mara kept fighting no matter how many times they tried and She ended up slapping the green eyed boy.

Mara started screaming for help and She was slapped so hard that She spitted out blood. "That's what you get" The green eyed boy yelled at her.

"Hurry up Man, We don't have all day."

"Yeah, My girl wants to go out tonight."

Her strength was going away. "Please....I didn't do anything."

"Yes, you did, you steal my man from me and then cause him to bash me when we were little. I didn't do anything to you , but you cry because you can't take a couple of words. You DESERVE this Mara! All that , I'm lonely , no one wants me crap needs to end because you just want to steal all the men that I have,but I won't let you. Accept it because your weak and always will be so take it." Samantha pulled the phone close to her face ," You're so ugly when you cry."

Maybe Mara should, because whatever she did; Maybe all that pain Samantha has will end and she'll leave her and Mara's friends alone after she gets what she wants from Mara . Christian never really cared anyway so why now? She not even anybody important to him anymore. Just Mara Jones who deserves all the pain she gets right?

The green eyed boy had a knife in his hand and cut through her clothes. She tried to move one last time to get away ,but no avail. "Just shut up and take it." The green eyed boy whispered in her ear and She felt his hands slide my down almost all the way down until he was yanked away.

It was ,"Christian." He grabbed her hand and helped her up. He looked at her and then further down, She saw anger flash in his eyes. He looked over at the green eyed boy with Samantha beside him holding her phone. She fast paced towards them ripping Samantha's phone out of her hands and punching the boy. He hushed me out along with his friends and they drove me to the hospital. On the drive there, Mara must of passed out because she woke up in the hospital with Christian sleeping beside her.

She looked around heavily breathing once almost like the air around her was being sucked out. Christian woke up trying to calm her down and ran to get the nurses. They came in and sedated her making her fall asleep again.



Mara woke up again  and eyes still heavy. Mara was still in pain and her head was pounding. She felt someone caressing her hand and slowly looked over to smiling Christian looking back at her. She saw her mom sleeping behind him in another chair knocked out. But where was her dad? Christian kissed her forehead and rested his forehead on hers," I'm sorry that I wasn't there to drive you home." Mara closed her eyes again sleepy ,but hoping that this was all a dream to this nightmare reality.

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