Stage one-Confusion

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 (He handsome right? 👀)

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(He handsome right? 👀)

Mara was confused on why Christian just kissed her she slapped him to knock some sense into him.

His face whipped to the side and he turned to her shocked,"Why would you do that?!!! Are you insane? Are you knocked up in the-" Mara held her finger up at him.

" me Christian?" He still held his cheek , rubbing it to mend the pain. His eyes searched for something, probably insanity or something;but Mara wasn't having it today not after what he said and then turn around and kiss her if that would make anything he said better. He didn't even apologize correctly.

"Because I-I like you Mara and I know you like me too."

"You are unbelievable, Get out of my room." He looked at her in shocked and he reached to grab my waist , but Mara moved back from his grasp.

"Please go Christian and please DON'T call me." Mara shouted at him and her hair was more frizzy than usual . Christian stared at Mara, Did he really hurt her feelings like that?

He walked closer to her and tried to reach for her head again,"Mara," his voice squeaked. His blue eyes looked at her with sadness and he wore a frown on his face. He watched her move away from him again , but this time Turing away from him not wanting to see his face.

"Maybe your right Christian, We were friends when we were younger and now times have changed. I guess we were acquaintances rather than friends huh?" Mara said trying to hide the crack in her voice , she held her shoulders almost as if she was holding herself up so she wouldn't break down in front of him. "I didn't mean-" " I forgive you Christian, just please go." Christian didn't believe her and he finally walked out the room saying goodbye to Mara's mom and dad. He disappeared into his car and she could see the headlights shine through. She turned off all her lights and tied her hair up. She looked at herself in the mirror, but all she saw was someone else who wasn't smiling anymore. She was sad, but these things happen to people no matter what. People grow out of people. That's just life.


When Mara went back to school, She saw Jayla and Samantha. She was confused on why they were talking and could see they were both looking over at Christian. Jayla looked around and saw me. She smiled and waved goodbye to Samantha with a smile. Samantha looked at Mara with a smirked and waved her fake nails at her. Mara clenched her backpack straps , but said nothing.

"Hey gurl, How are you?" Jayla came over and Mara was shocked how she changed her outfits. She was the flashy type and all of a sudden, she was wearing a shiny new jumpsuit with a low cheetah heels. She gave Mara a hug," I've been good. Look at you Jayla; Where did you get those clothes from?"
"Oh someone gave them to me" I saw her look back at Samantha who was smiling and flirting with another boy. "You got from Samantha who I told you about all the bad things she did to me and the rest of the group including YOU." Jayla looked taken aback,"No gurl, It was from that snarky std walking flamingo. I got it from my boyfriend who's taking me back to the Carnival, do you and the rest want to come?" I shook my head no, " oh okay gurl, Hey Rory and Clare, y'all want to go to carnival?" The rest of the voices started to fade from a distance. Why was Jayla hanging out with Samantha like that? It didn't make any sense. Mara was so confused that when she heard the bell , she hurried to her class trying to take her mind off whatever because it just gets confusing and more confusing by the day.

Mara arrived to her second to last class for the day, she hated it because both Samantha and Sandra were in this class. They both left her alone when Christian and Mara grew a bit distance from each other , they decided to bully Mara less than usual by not putting glue on her chair so she didn't have to drag it out of class in front everybody and clean it off or slam her books down or even jam her locker or maybe even more like making a rumor that she had sexually transmitted disease from the gym teacher that she was secretly dating due her bad grade which was a lie expect for the grade.

When Mara walked into class, She immediately saw Rory uncomfortable because of them. She walked over and sat in front of their view of Rory. Rory smiled at Mara and they started talking and Mara knew Rory was back to her old self. Mara looked over at Samantha and Sandra who rolled their eyes and stuck out their eyes in a punk way. Samantha always wore skirts and tank tops with heels. She always bleach her hair a different type of color and she was going with blond to match her white tank top and pink heels with her pink pumps. Mara shook her head, Sandra always wore those cute out shirts and short shorts with heels as well. While Samantha had long dyed blond hair and Sandra short Burnett hair with blue streaks in her hair. She chose to ignore them and make sure Rory was comfortable from them.

After class,She looked over for Jayla who usually drives her home and to school, but she was no where to be found so She sat on the school steps waiting for her.

Where was she?

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