❤️Memories ❤️

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Mara walked in style to school and everyone jaws had dropped

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Mara walked in style to school and everyone jaws had dropped. She was going after one target and that was Christian who was still flirting with all the girls and they loved it. The ones he couldn't get were staring at Mara and she walked with her head held high and a proud smile on her face. When Christian saw the blinding light to be Mara, his eyes widen and looked at his surroundings to see everyone on his girl; but he held back and smiled," I'll let her shine today."

Mara winked at Christian who blushed at her and pretend to face a girl of non-interest to him. Mara walked to her class while people started at her. One scoffed and we all know who that was,Gloria. "Why are dressed like a man? Put on a dress or something or are you wearing just a bra under that?"
"That's hot!" Someone shouted in a distance, But Mara ignored them and got out her notes. "Old girl thinks she's high and mighty ; Now that she's wearing man's clothes. How pathetic. You think you're a "Queen" cause honey you're not." Mara turned towards Gloria's direction who just smirked at her. "For someone who's switching from slang to modern English, I thought a person like you would know how to dress ole girl. If any woman and male can rock opposite clothing then I can and with your words that mean NOTHING to me. I can wear whatever I want just like your mom." A lot of Os were heard and Gloria said nothing after that. She couldn't because she was confident.

As Mara walked, People watched and some followed trying to hook up with her, talk with her, or bash her for wearing those type of clothes. People did complimented her and she thanked them while she walked to lunch. Everyone was just in shock on her because she looked good and people envied, or were just cruel about it. Mara didn't care and walked on to get her education (Periodt Pooh- Author)

Christian on the other hand, was drooling over Mara and watched like a hawk. He had enough and grabbed her into the bathroom; he just started kissing her, but Mara took control and kissed him as well as marking him on his neck. Mara pulled away and Saw that Christian was in a daze at Mara; he reached in to kiss her, but she left him like that. Helpless and watching her go.

Mara had boys come up to her and boldly ask for a hook up and her shyness was about to pop out; she just flirted with them and declined. One of them got angry and said," Well don't be so confident if you get raped, You're the one wearing that. Maybe they'll think your a guy haha." Mara rolled her eyes and smirked knowing that the glare she was getting was from Christian who was hot and bothered.

Christian glared at Mara and he was just fuming. How dare she kiss and dip on him like that and smile while flirting with other boys like he wasn't there. He wanted to walk up to her and kiss her in front of everyone, but he didn't. Jasmine was putting her hands going up and down his chest smiling until
She saw something on his neck, "What's that on your neck Christian?" Christian touched his neck and smiled," That's a love mark, but you're too little to know that." Jasmine pouted and left. Christian watched Mara all through lunch and was glaring at every guy that walked up to Mara and tried their "charm" on her and he crumbled his foam cup in his hand splashing the water everywhere.

On the way home, People still tried to give their opinion as some wore men clothes and others did not. Mara kept walking as they departed their ways and Mara sighed when she walked in her room. She washes her clothes and hung them up to dry. She tied up her hair and wore a bonnet after. She put her night gown and went to work on her homework. When nighttime arrived, she closed her books and computer and then took her contacts out. She laid in the bed for awhile slowly closing her eyes.

She woke up to a sound of tapping on her window, she got up and put her glasses on and opened the window. Christian climbed in," How do I look?" Mara raised her eyebrow," Why are you wearing a suit? To be petty?" Mara teased Christian and he came closer to her," To be just as sexy as you. Why did you do that to me? I was like a lost puppy or something. Is this what affects girls? " "You mean play at your own game and get hurt type of affect." " Well played Mara, but now; it's my turn." "No, it's not Christian." Mara tugged on Christian's tie," I hope you like playing a little more." Christian gulped at Mara, When did she get so confident? Mara started kissing Christian and he grabbed her waist pulling her closer. "Are you ready for this?" Christian asked and Mara smirked,"are you?" They both laid on the bed kissing and ended with night with love and protection.

"I hope we remember this forever."

"You mean a crazy year."

"Yeah, so we never have to do it again and live with positivity."

"Well said."

Thank you for reading, Please check out my other stories.-S

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