Stage 7- Another day

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  Mara knew she had to go to school,but didn't want to; She didn't want to see Samantha's face or her boyfriend or whoever he was. Worse, She didn't want to see their friends. She was shooken by it just letting it replay in her mind. She could have been in worse situation,but the fear of that happening to you and not being saved by anyone can give anyone respect and fear for others that has or hasn't happened to them. Mara just wanted to sleep, she didn't want to talk to another therapist or have her mother hug her and say sorry ,but when that happened; Her dad finally came up from that garage and he looked so tired and dull. Her dad walked up to her and hugged her," I'm sorry my Angel." She cried in his arms after that.

"Why do I have to go? What didn't Samantha and her goons get in trouble?" Her mother sighed, "Her step-dad suggested that they all do community service rather than go to juvenile or jail. So they all agreed , During the summer and on weekends ; They're all doing community service to help with environment and they all written you a letter saying sorry for what they did. Now, What's funny is that Christian wasn't there so Have you seen him?"

Just like that, Christian came down the stairs without a shirt and bed hair , he yawned his way down and stumbled to the table. Mara's father glared at Christian and Mara's Mom smiled . Mara just ate her food and didn't stare at Christian at all. "Sooooo, He was here this whole time. Happy birthday by the way Christian. I can't believe your sixteen now." Mara's Mom clapped her hands and then got up to fix her curly hair in a bun," I gotta go to work Everyone, Bye!" " Bye Mom!! Love you too." " Love you all too" Mara's Mom grabbed her purse and opened the front door making Mara's eyes tingle a bit at the brightness. When the door closed,Mara's dad snapped his head to Christian;" Listen here boy, There will be no shirtless and sleeping in my daughter's bed anymore. So go put on a shirt after you eat and then you and me will have a talk. Man to Man okay?" Christian looked over at me and winked before eating his food. I didn't show that I was smiling ear to ear and I got up to go get dressed. Maybe school won't be so bad.

I regret what I thought earlier, Somehow the whole school heard about Samantha and her friends getting community services and started making up rumors, Some with her having someone's baby who was famous , then her having a disease which is nothing knew, and one about me and etc. At least , No one paid attention to me or asked me any questions. When I went to class, I sat down and got everything out; that when Samantha walked in and everyone started whispering. She looked at me and mouthed,"You're dead."

I regret what I said earlier until Christian walked in.

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