
Immediately the riot in the room fell silent. The group of boys stopped their brawling and fighting and formed rows, one behind the other with hands behind their backs.

"This is not the behaviour I expect from our recruits! Discipline and manners is at the heart of what we do!"

Commander Qiren's speech was interrupted by a small snigger which was quickly disguised as a cough. Qiren looked down the front row to find who had interrupted him and his eyes landed on a boy with styled jet black hair who was quite tall and had a glint in his eye. He had handsome features, with those bright eyes and defined jaw, and his presence stood out amongst the other recruits. The training uniform- cargo pants and vest top- highlighted his toned body and muscles.

"You! Step forwards!" Qiren demanded.

If the boy looked scared at being called out he didn't show it, he only stepped forwards and looked right ahead of him, showing respect to the Commander.

"What did you find so funny?"

"Well, many things to be honest. First, the whole thing about discipline. Dude, we are a bunch of teen slash young adult guys of course we're gonna want to let off some steam. And if I'm surrounded with morons like him," he paused and looked at an arrogant looking boy at the end of the row, "then it'll be hard not to want to throw a punch at them every so often. Second, manners being the heart of everything you do is ridiculous. What are we going to do? Walk up to the person we're about to blow up or shove a bullet into their skull and say 'Excuse me, I am going to kill you know, is that alright with you? If not I can come back tomorrow'. Don't be stupid. Then thirdly, you seem really into manners and all that so now I'm wondering why you pointed at me when calling me out? Isn't pointing at someone considered to be very rude?" he asked.

The whole time he talked he looked straight ahead, yet as he ended his speech to the commander he turned his head and gave a small grin and a raised eyebrow.

"What's your name, boy?" Qiren asked, his voice shaking to control his anger.

"Wei Wuxian, nice to meet you."

The whole room was silent. Some of the boys looked at Wei Wuxian in awe, some looked at him like he was crazy, others fearfully glanced at Qiren, and Wei Wuxian looked at the two males standing behind the Commander.

They could've been classed as twins except for the one on Qiren's left looked slightly older and had a gentler expression where as the other seemed cold and reserved. They both had short-ish hairstyles with undercuts and their piercing eyes were visible. They were both tall and very handsome, extremely interesting to look at.

"Wei Wuxian, how dare you speak to me like that!"

"Like what? I beg your pardon sir, but you asked me what I found funny and I told you. If you didn't want me to speak up then you shouldn't have asked me a question in the first place."

"Enough! Who do you think you are, boy?"

"I do believe that I am Wei Wuxian. Do you not know who you are? Is all that shaking giving you concussion? That's quite worrying, want me to call the doctor?" he asked innocently.

"Wei Wu-!"

"Uncle. Calm down." the older brother spoke softly and took a step forwards, the smallest smile of humour visible from Wuxian's cheek.

Qiren looked like he was about to run forwards and tackle Wuxian to the ground for his daring, yet he calmed at his nephew's voice.

"You are right. Xichen, we have business in the office, let us go. Wangji, you are in charge of training." Qiren spoke and, with a last glare at Wei Wuxian, who smiled and waved at him like they were good friends, he made his way to the office upstairs.

New Recruits (A WangXian ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now