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The hours went on and the recruits exited the room one by one until all that was left was Wei Ying. He needed some space to think about the day and knew the dorms would become crowded eventually. So he spent his time here, waiting for a moment of privacy. He sighed before walking over to the heavy punching bag. He let out a small grunt as he heaved the object onto his shoulder, then attached it to the ring suspended a meter or so above him. He then wrapped up his hands, and brushed some of the loose strands of hair from his face, before beginning to hit the bag. Punch after punch he threw, his mind focused on hitting the object with as much force as he could each time. He was so distracted that he didn't see someone pass by the open door, stop, and lean against the frame to watch him train, with admiration and respect hidden within the cold eyes.


Wei Ying stopped hitting the bag as he looked around the room for the source of the voice. When he saw Lan Zhan by the door, he asked him what he meant.

"This morning you asked me if I think you're better than the other recruits. My answer is yes."

"Explain." Wei Ying said as he wiped the sweat from his face with a towel.

"Ignoring ranks and abilities, you still stand out. You know, as does everybody else, that you don't have to be here working hard, you have outstanding natural talent. Yet here you are. That shows you have humility and self-respect. Half of the recruits don't have that: they only care about succeeding and beating everyone else. You don't work hard to beat the other recruits, you work hard to improve yourself."

Wei Ying listened intensely to Lan Zhan's words, and he smiled once the older finished talking. The high praise made him feel happy and accomplished. He walked over to the older- looking serious- and spoke:

"I like it when you compliment me."


"It's like they are important and meaningful. When others do it it's because they're in awe of me or want me to help them with something. Nie Huaisang does that a lot. You say good things when you truly mean them and not to get anything in return."

Almost on instinct, the duo made their way upstairs to their hideout. They saw the sun had completely dropped and their was a cool breeze. The fresh air was cooling for Wei Ying and he breathed out as he leaned his head back, enjoying the refreshing air. Lan Zhan cast him an unreadable look as he took in Wei Ying's words, seeing he mean them completely.

"So how do you rank us all if our tasks will all be different?"

"It'll be ranked on how well you approach your task and the ease at which you overcome it."

"And will there be different amounts of tasks for alpha and beta?"


"... Okay. Even with everyone having different fears?"


"I'm guessing it will be something each of us fears most. You already know what mine is. Do you think I can pass? Everyone else does, but I'm not as strong mentally as I am physically."

"I think so." Lan Zhan said, confident in Wei Ying's abilities.

"Thankyou Lan Zhan. For everything." Wei Ying spoke softly and gave the older a warm smile.

"There is no need."

"Of course there isn't. But I want to thank you, so accept it. Please?"

"You're welcome."

Wei Ying laughed and said Lan Zhan was becoming soft, adding that it was a good thing. He then bid the older goodbye and made his way back to the dorm, a content smile on his face the whole way. He went to sleep that night thinking of the exams and precisely what he would have to face...

"Today's the day." Jiang Cheng said as a greeting, when Wei Ying emerged sleepily from his bedroom.

"Today's the day." he echoed and made himself a coffee, not feeling good enough to stomach any food. The pair sat at the table in silence as they each thought about the assessment, and what Wangji and Xichen had prepared for them. Wei Ying only guessed, but had an idea that everyone would face at least one thing the same plus something of their own to challenge them. The idea of this was comforting because it was possible it would be a scenario they had covered in training. 

Once they had breakfast, showered, and changed, the pair headed downstairs. They were quiet as they walked over to a building on the site in which they had never been. They were told it was built for things like their assessment and assumed it was equipped enough to make their exam seem real. They reached the large building and pushed open the doors to be greeted with a long white corridor, like the ones they walked along daily.

The pair followed the sound of faint chattering and soon found the anxious and waiting group of recruits around the corner, sitting and pacing just like they did a few weeks ago. This time the pressure was even worse, this time would decided who passes training and becomes an agent for the Lan business. And this time, Wei Ying didn't have a concussion so he sat alongside the other recruits. He tried to keep his composure but couldn't help bouncing his leg up and down to centre his nerves. His mind was becoming more agitated from the unknown, and so he closed his eyes to focus on taking deep breaths to relax himself.

One by one their names were called through the speakers and the recruits entered beyond the doors opposite them. Their numbers dwindled as the hours passed and nothing but their own thoughts could be heard. The walls were soundproof, so none of the recruits would get hints at what they would have to face. It did have a positive: they wouldn't be freaked out by the possible screaming or gunshots raging beyond. At least, that's what they imagined was happening.

"Jiang Cheng." the speaker announced.

Jiang Cheng shot up from his seat and took a few steps to stand in front of the doors. His fists clenched and unclenched as he took deep breaths to steady himself. Before he could push open the doors, two arms wrapped around him. Wei Ying was hugging him and wishing him good luck; he was surprised by his friend's actions but returned them just the same.

"We started this together and we'll finish it together." Wei Ying said with determination.

"We will."

"Good luck."

"You too, see you on the other side."

With these parting words, Jiang Cheng went through the doors and disappeared from view, preparing himself to tackle his worst fears, whichever ones they decided to face him with. Wei Ying sat back down in his seat and wished again and again for his best friend to do well. He knew how nervous Jiang Cheng was, but he also knew he would cope under the pressure and rise to the challenge. A few more hours passed and once again it was him all alone waiting to be called.

"Wei Wuxian."

Wei Ying stood up and went straight through the doors, not giving himself any time to feel dread or worry or anything that could distract him. His face was calm but his heart was pounding. He wondered what the assessment would look like, as he walked down a small corridor, and wondered if the other recruits would be watching him as they did last time. He hoped not.

He went through another set of doors and immediately felt something cold and hard pressed against his temple. He didn't flinch or look worried, only calmly walked in the direction the gun was pointing him in. There was only one thought on his mind as he walked blindly on:

It's already begun.

New Recruits (A WangXian ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now