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Some time later an idea came to him. He stood up and began to walk towards the other group. He crouched down to the four boys present and spoke to them in a low voice. Jiang Cheng opened his eyes when he sensed Wei Ying move away and frowned as he saw him speaking to the other group. The two groups didn't talk during training, only at meals or in the evenings.

A minute or so later Wei Ying walked away from the group- who were smiling and laughing between themselves- and sat back down with a grin. Then, a boy from the other group called over to Jiang Cheng.

"Go with it." Wei Ying whispered to his friend and prepared himself.

"Hey Jiang Cheng! I heard you were crying about your scores for training. Wanna talk about it?" the boy laughed with a smirk at Jiang Cheng.

"You wanna say that again! The last thing I heard you were in the the lowest rank and scraped being here!" 

Jiang Cheng walked over to the group, looking very mad, and soon the boys were arguing and threatening a fight. Both groups went over to try and settle it but soon everybody was shouting and mocking each other.

Wangji and Xichen looked up from their recruits in their separate rooms with frowns of confusion. Where had the silence gone from a moment ago? What was all the shouting about? Both brothers appeared from their doors and had shocked expressions at the shouting brawl. They shared nods and walked over to the boys, pulling them apart and ordering them back to their seats. Once everyone was settled they parted to their rooms, but Wangji noticed Wei Wuxian was sitting there, quiet and ignorant the whole time. He figured he was still lingering on yesterday so brushed it off.

As soon as the doors shut, everybody rushed over to Wei Ying in anticipation. He grinned and pulled out a phone from his pocket, waving it like it was a million dollars in front of the recruits. He then shooed them all away at the sound of footsteps- and just in time too- as the door opened and Wangji asked for Guangyao. Wen Ning returned to his seat beside Wei Ying and asked what all of the noise was about.

"This." he said and showed him the phone. "Alpha." he said and pointed to himself with a grin.

Silence once more fell across the groups as they sent glances at Wei Ying, who was trying different passwords for the phone. It must have been twenty minutes before he guessed the number combination and the home screen opened. He sneaked a look when Lan Zhan unlocked his phone, so he knew some of the numbers, making it easier to crack. He saw the background was the default one the phone came with and decided to take his fun one step further.

"Guys, get over here." he called as he opened up the camera. 

The boys rushed forwards and had to hold in their laughs as Wei Ying explained his idea. 

"One, two, smile!" 

The light flashed upon the grinning faces and Wei Ying set the picture as the new background, his mind making up a hundred different reactions Lan Zhan would have. He peered at the call and message options but knew that it would be disrespectful to go through any of that. Instead, he opened up the browser and searched for some music to play. He searched for the artist he knew his mother liked- that was one of the few things he remembered about her- and clicked on the first video. It was a male artist and his songs were very well-known, even now, a decade later.

He turned up the volume and pulled out the earphones he acquired, before plugging them in and placing them into his ears. He scanned the clock and saw he had over an hour to relax before getting on guard for Wangji. He smiled as he let the song play and fill the silence around him. He grinned before standing up and walking up and down between the groups, dancing to the song. He was just having fun but the moves turned out very well. He walked up to one of the cameras in the corner of the second corridor, partially disappearing from the view of the other recruits, and bowed before dancing a little for the camera. He grinned and began to move back through the recruits. The song became slow and moody so he slowed down and danced slower and more sensual, grinning at Jiang Cheng who was struggling to hold in his smile.

New Recruits (A WangXian ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now