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Wei Ying took a deep breath in and swiped away the stray tear that had fallen, before entering the conference hall and joking with the recruits that they shouldn't have waited for him. As they made their way back to the dorms, Wei Ying kept silent, allowing the boys to deal with the news in their own ways. He saw Jiang Cheng frowning- and he wondered whether he wanted to punch something or cry- and Wei Ying wanted to tell him the decision. But, not wanting to have the other boys ask questions, he would wait until later for him to know; instead he smiled sadly as the other was packing his bags, slipping away from the dorm when nobody was looking.

He spent the next few hours wandering the halls, taking in every room they had been in and every hallway he had walked down. He peered into the training room and saw all of the good times they had spent there, knowing he would miss being here. As he strolled around, he passed by Qiren's office and overheard raised voices. Despite them being muffled, he knew they were the Commander, Xichen and Wangji. In passing, he heard small pieces of discussion:

"The decision has been made."

"Not on our half."

"We cannot-"

"There has to be a way."

Wei Ying shook his head as he heard how stubborn Qiren was being before moving on, knowing that whatever they were talking about wasn't- and would never be- any of his business.

When he returned to the dorms in time for dinner, he addressed his comrades before they left.

"It's been an honour." he spoke, bowing to them all; the boys all mimicked his words and bowed back.

They began to walk down to the dining hall, and despite wanting to cheer up the dull atmosphere, he kept quiet and savoured every second left. Walking through the doors and into the hall, Wei Ying looked up and saw the Lans already seated. He gave them a wave to acknowledge their presence then sat down.

"Boys," Xichen spoke, standing up to address the group, "I hope you have made the most of your time here. Let this be the time for goodbyes and new beginnings."

Everyone raised a glass to his words, and although he must have been imagining things, Wei Ying thought he saw Xichen give him a knowing smile. He brushed it off seeing as he couldn't see him properly over the glasses and took a drink, clinking his cup with the other boys'.

"I have an announcement to make before we begin." Qiren spoke loudly, immediately hushing the boys. "There has been a change in the final line up. Jiang Cheng, we would like to welcome you to the company. We see your value as an agent and admire your determination, it would be a waste to let you go."

Jiang Cheng almost dropped his glass in shock before grinning wildly and saying thank you to Qiren and the brothers when collecting his silver badge; turning to smile happily at Wei Ying and how they would now be partners. The boys all congratulated him- knowing how hard he had worked these past months- and believed they had accepted five people and not replaced one of the original four. At this news, dinner passed by quickly as everyone ate and drank whilst celebrating their memories and friendships, wishing the new agents luck in the future. When the meal was over, and the boys began to stand and head back to depart, the Commander also stood up and asked them to halt. Sharing confused looks, the boys all sat back down to hear what he had to say.

"I have a final announcement. Today there has been a revelation of loyalty, respect, strength, and above all: selflessness. Wei Wuxian," Qiren spoke, pausing to allow the boy to stand up, "I have been hard on you. But, I refuse to say you have not become a better person because of it." he continued with a stern face. Wei Ying had to stifle a laugh at how stubborn Qiren was.

New Recruits (A WangXian ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now