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With the end of the gun digging into his temple, Wei Ying calmed his breathing and body as he walked where he was being led to. A moment passed as he walked through a dimly lit room to a single table and chairs. His body was shoved harshly into the metal chair and he felt the gun move to the back of his head, the person holding it standing right behind him.

As a harsh light turned on from above, Wei Ying saw a figure standing on the opposite side of the desk. With the darkness and shadows and silence, the atmosphere was very tense. But Wei Ying reminded himself that none of this was real.

"Name." the figure demanded.

"Who's asking?" Wei Ying countered with a raised brow.

"Name." the figure pressed.

"Who's asking?" Wei Ying repeated, and leaned forwards in his seat to try and see who the person was.

"Name." the figure said for a third time, and only because the gun clicked dangerously behind him did he give in.

"Wei Wuxian."

"So it is you. The famous Wei Wuxian. Top of your division, weapons prodigy, and-"

"And all around nice guy?" Wei Ying countered with a grin, sensing the figure becoming disgruntled.

"Do you know why you are here?" 

"Do you think I know? If you do then you're either asking me because you want me to reveal that I know or reveal that I don't. Either way you get the information you want. But you wouldn't know if I acted like I didn't know when in fact I did know. Then none of us would be any the wiser. But I would know that you didn't know so I have the advantage-"

"Shut it!"

Wei Ying fell silent but his grin never faltered, making the figure even more rattled. The room fell silent once more as Wei Ying waited for the figure to say something.

"I do have other things to do so if you could hurry up I'd really appreciate it."

"Bring him."

Wei Ying was pulled up out of the chair by a rough grip on his neck and a painful push on his back, making him stumble slightly. He managed to steady himself and looked around the room as his hands sneaked into one of his holsters, trying to reach something. Another command later and Wei Ying fell- by a kick to the back of his calf- to the floor. His knees caused a loud thud to echo around the room and his calf tingled for a moment where the man hit; he was worried it caused some damage.

"You've caused us a lot of trouble. They way you took out my guards almost lost me the biggest deal of my business."

"Not much of a business if the only thing protecting it is its guards."

"You're all talk now... let's see what you say soon."

The lights in the room switched on with a flick of the shadow's wrist. They were in a room of grey stone with a glass box at the centre. He was shoved inside it unceremoniously and the cold air washed over him. He stood tall in the box, not letting the intimidation get to him; when the figures retreated from the room, he felt some danger appear around him. He looked around the box to look for any gaps or weak spots and saw the glass was thinner at the top of the back wall. He waited a moment for something to happen- like the men returning if he tried to escape- but nothing did. He believed this was a test on small spaces but felt there was something else here too.

It wasn't until he noticed the air became slightly hazy did he realise there was chemicals in the box, reacting with his breaths. He took note of the thick air and the density of the glass. He stilled his body, closed his eyes, and held his breath, focusing on counting up. Once he reached thirty he felt the air change around him and knew the box's capacity was full. He placed one hand on either side of the glass, jumped up and kicked the glass. The glass shattered and Wei Ying ran from the box and into the same door the shadows exited through, scanning around him for any other threats.

New Recruits (A WangXian ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now