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"What shall we do today?" Wei Ying asked as the recruits all sat around in their dorm, celebrating the first day of their time off.

Wei Ying had woken up that morning to find Lan Zhan gone and Doctor Wen taking his vitals. She instructed him to take it easy and didn't let him leave until he ate a bowl of cereal and drank some water. He thanked her for all of her help before he exited the hospital wing and went back to his dorm. When he opened the door, he was greeted with the sight of the recruits all waiting for him. He dismissed their concerns, telling them he was fine, and went into his bedroom to change into sweatpants and a tank top. It took a few minutes since the bandages on his hands continued to get caught on the fabric but he got there eventually and went to greet the boys.

"You're not doing anything." Jiang Cheng said seriously, gaining a frown from Wei Ying. "We're all heading to the training room to work on our skills."

"But it's our time off." Wei Ying whined.

"And we don't want you having to deal with Qiren yourself anymore. If we all get better he won't be mad and won't be as harsh on you!" Huaisang explained.

"Thanks guys but you don't have to."

"It doesn't matter if we have to or not. Let's go."

The recruits all stood up and made their way to the door when Wei Ying stood up.

"I'm coming too. I swear I won't do anything," he added when Jiang Cheng went to argue, "I'll be lonely otherwise."


Wei Ying grinned and the boys all headed to the training room. It was their holiday but this was something they wanted to do together. Wei Ying was quiet as they walked, thinking about Huaisang's words. He said they all would improve for him but not all of them would be staying. Did they forget only four of them would pass? And now, Wei Ying was beginning to doubt if he was good enough. Since the announcement was made, nobody had asked him if he though he would gain one of the four spots: they all assumed he would. But he wasn't so sure. With his behaviour towards Qiren- who was definitely the main voice in the decision- his place was uncertain, even with his past high scores.

In no time at all they reached the training room to find it set out just like their first day. The boys all decided to warm up together. Due to Wei Ying not participating, he walked throughout the recruits- much like Lan Zhan did- and helped correct their form. 

"Relax your back when you reach down, you'll go that bit further." he said to Wen Ning who was stretching to the floor.

"Thanks." the boy said with a smile.

"No problem." he said, smiling back and walking on.

"Jiang Cheng, you'll hurt yourself if you do it that way. Try it like this."


Wei Ying laughed at his friend's response, knowing it was his way of saying thankyou.

Twenty minutes later and the boys all finished their warm up and went to their individual sections. Some went to the gun range, some trained on hand to hand combat, and the rest to the agility course. Wei Ying decided to sit down on a small bench, content in watching the other boys work hard. And that content lasted all of ten minutes. He easily felt agitated, wanting to participate with the rest, and so decided to walk around and help out. 

First, he went over to the gun range and explained to the recruits, who were struggling the most, how to cause the least rebound on your arm when shooting. He told them that despite holding it with one hand as they did in the movies it was better to grip the gun with two, for then you would also improve balance and aim. He helped Nie Huaisang decide on some long-range artillery that was suitable for his build and helped him load and empty them quicker. Next, he moved over to the agility course and watched silently as they each took a turn before intervening. They were all competent and raced through the short course, being careful of the difficult areas and managing their speed.

New Recruits (A WangXian ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now