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The trio all paced through the hospital wing in search of Doctor Wen, who insisted they headed straight to her if anything happened to Wei Wuxian again. They asked a nurse who directed them to the end hallway and into an empty room, identical to the one he was in a few weeks ago. Wangji gently lay the boy on the white sheets- frowning when Wei Ying's body fell limp onto the bed- just as Doctor Wen came in and questioned them rapidly about the incident.

"Qiren is too much, he expects too much. Especially from this boy." she complained as she took Wei Wuxian's vitals and hooked him up to an IV in his arm.

Immediately, Wei Ying shuddered and curled up slightly, frowning in pain. Doctor Wen was confused as to the pain but let out a gasp as she saw his hands. They were stained red and covered in cuts, with pieces of gravel embedded in them.

"Give me five minutes. Xichen, apply the antiseptic."

"Of course, Doctor."

Lan Xichen went and sat by Wei Wuxian and began to apply the antiseptic onto the torn hands with a cotton pad. The boy frowned even more and his fingers twitched slightly in discomfort.

"Are your hands alright?" Wangji asked Jiang Cheng.

"Yes, there's only a few markings."

"Then the other boys are fine too."

"I can't imagine how much he was struggling. But the idiot insists on acting strong for the sake of everyone else. Ninety minutes! Ninety bloody minutes! I don't think he's ever held a handstand that long."

"Ninety minutes! No wonder he's in so much pain, his legs would have gone numb under an hour then the burning would have set in ten minutes later. With all the blood rushing to his head, his body would have felt disorientated and with the cold air it wouldn't have been comfortable. I'm surprised his arms are mobile and haven't seized up. I might even go and have a word with Qiren myself." the Doctor said as she sat down with tweezers, beginning to remove the small stones.

"When will he wake up?" Jiang Cheng asked as he sat on the other side of Wei Ying and began to massage his arms as Doctor Wen instructed.

"I believe if it was up to him he would not have passed out in the first place. However, the human body has its limits so I estimate he'll wake up tomorrow morning. You would all be back in your dorms for sleep now anyways."

"You should head back. Update everybody and ease their concerns." Lan Xichen said as he received a message from Qiren on his phone.

"I don't want to."

"He wouldn't appreciate you not being well because of him." Wangji said, receiving the same message.

Jiang Cheng looked at his best friend's blank yet exhausted face before standing up and yawning himself. It was late and he was tired; he knew it was best for him to be well rested. He nodded and bid goodbye to the brothers, thanked Doctor Wen, and exited the room to share the news with the boys. Xichen looked at Wei Wuxian, who now seemed in less pain, before speaking:

"I will go and speak to the Commander, he wants to know Wei Wuxian's condition. Wangji, stay here and assist Doctor Wen until needed. Doctor, I leave Wei Wuxian in your care. Good evening."


"Good evening."

Time passed by slowly as the Doctor removed all of the gravel and wrapped up the boy's hands, Wangji continuing to massage Wei Ying's arms and now legs. Doctor Wen insisted he take the next day off doing absolutely nothing, but Lan Zhan knew that wasn't an option. Wei Ying had already missed the first week of time off so would want to make the most of the second.

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