Chapter 2

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〔Sakusa's POV〕

"You are Miya Atsumu, aren't you?", I heard someone asking. It was a girl's voice I never heard before. The voice came out of a bar, so I just stood there and listened. 'Am I supposed to go in?', that was all I thought, but I really didn't want to. Then I heard something. A familiar voice.

"No, I'm not. Leave me alone.", a drunk man's voice said.

It was totally Miya Atsumu. I didn't know he drank, he sounded intoxicated as fuck. What did just happen? I started to speculate. Could it be possible that he was there because of the match? He wanted to drink his feeling of guilt away or something? 'No, this is going too far.', I told myself. 'Not someone like him. He isn't one of those people to regret things. He thinks everything he's doing is fine. That's right... isn't it?' I guessed I had to look after him. If he was as drunk as he sounded, he definitely needed some help. I decided to go in.

It was pretty smelly inside and I don't even want to know what kind of people were spending their time at this place. Atsumu was just sitting there, tired, with his face lying on the table, some empty glasses standing in front of him. His eyes were closed, his mouth a little bit open and he was drooling on the table. The first thing coming to my mind was 'disgusting.'

"Hey, you okay?", I asked him. I knew he was not asleep, so he could hear me loud and clear. He slowly opened his eyes and started smirking. I instantly regretted being there.

"Oh hey, Omi-Omi~", he said in a childish voice. "Were ya worried about me? Everything's fine, I'm just in mood for drinkin' a bit."

The smell of alcohol was coming out of his mouth and I noticed it, although I was wearing a mask. Dammit, what did he drink? I couldn't help it and made a disgusted face. He stopped smirking and turned his face away.

"You know this guy?", the barkeeper asked me and I nodded, even if I was not happy about it. He looked kinda relieved, like he was happy about the fact that there was finally someone to get this idiot out of his bar.

"Would it be possible for you to take him home? As you can see, he's a little drunk.", he asked me and I looked at Atsumu, who was still lying on the table, sweaty and smelly.

'Does that mean I have to touch this piece of shit? What did I do to deserve this?'

"No, I'm not done yet!", Atsumu was mumbling, but the barkeeper just looked at me and shaked his head. I understood without any words. He was definitely done. I stepped next to him and tried to piggyback him. He still smelled sweaty from the match mixed with alcohol. I could feel my nose dying. Not only my nose. He tried to push me away, like I was going to kidnap him, but soon he gave up and I carried him out of the bar.

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