Chapter 20

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〔Sakusa's POV〕

When I wake up, the first thing I see is Atsumu's head, lying on my lab. Okay, I know that's not typical for me, but he had no pillow and there was only one bench, so I decided to sleep while sitting and allowed him to place his head on my legs. When I get out of this, I'll take the longest shower of my life. Atsumu's still dreaming, his eyes closed, his mouth slightly opened and snores a little. Sorry, I'm soft. I start to smile a bit and carefully ruffle his hair, to not wake him up.

"Click! Bzzzzt!"

The whole room's getting filled with a suspicious light, blinding my eyes for a second. What the fuck was that? I look up and can't believe what I see. Bokuto's standing right in front of us, holding his phone to take a picture, Hinata hiding behind him.

"Oops, guess I forgot to turn off the flashlight...", he laughs nervously. "Haha, please don't kill me."

But it's too late for them. Right now Atsumu's waking up, leaving a little yawn from his lips. Before he's even able to realise what's happening, I push him off the bench, hearing a confused "OMI! THE FUCK-". Then I start running.

Bokuto and Hinata are screaming like girls in a horror movie haunted by a monster. I'm coming closer and hear Bokuto saying, that he's too young to die. He's passing Hinata the phone.

"Run! You're faster than me! My time has come, but you can do it! You're the last chance we've got, young padawan!"

"We'll never forget about you!", Hinata says, holding back his tears.

"This isn't a 'goodbye'! It's just a 'see you later'" Hinata's forcing a smile, when Bokuto tries to cheer him up with his words. Then he speeds up and soon I lose him. Fuck! Why's he so fast?! Now they've got some blackmail material and I don't like that. Bokuto's lying on the floor, trying to breathe.

"You can't... win this fight... I believe in him...", he manages to say, I turn around and, well, I'm sorry for that, but he deserves it, give him a kick in the balls. He starts to whine a little.

〔Atsumu's POV〕

Three months have passed since we kissed for the first time. We started dating and I'm proud to say that I got a boyfriend. It's ten minutes until practice starts, so I take out my phone and start checking my messages. One from Omi, fifteen minutes ago.

Omi-Omi~ 😷💕

Hey, wanna go out today?
I know a very clean restaurant.
The food's great too.

A heart from Omi-Kun! Since we are dating that's not unusual anymore, but I still get a heart attack every time I see it. It's just too cute for me to handle it.

"Soooo, you're really dating? Sakusa and you~?", I hear Bokuto from behind me. Seems like he read the chat. Why's it always Bokuto? He's so nosy! I feel my face getting warmer and warmer. Guess it's as red as the heart from Omi right now.

"N-no, it's just..." Fuck, I don't know what to say! I'm getting even more nervous, when some of our teammates come closer and say stuff like "Really? You and Sakusa?", "Congratulations" or "Thought he'd never even get closer than three meters to you."

"Yes, we're dating. Now leave him alone.", I hear someone hissing and two arms are wrapping around me from the back. I turn my head a bit and see Omi's famous curls. "Bokuto, no."

I turn my face to Bokuto again, who tries to slowly and inconspicuously take out his phone to take a photo again. He stops and puts on a disappointed face.

"But aren't you official now? I can't even blackmail you any longer.", he argues, but Omi just looks at him with his 'I'll kill you if you do that' - face and he puts back his phone. Then we hear someone saying that practice starts right now, so the crowd disappears and Omi takes a deep breath.

"That was the most romantic thing ya've ever done for me. Savin' me from the awkwardness of a crowd.", I giggle and he seems to be done.

"Never again.", he answers. "What about today? You read my message?"

"Yeah, I did, but I got a better idea. Let's visit Osamu, since he left the hospital and show off our wonderful relationship.~", I suggest and gain a weird look.

"First: You're a hopeless case. Second: Doesn't he have a boyfriend too?"

"Whatever. Let's talk about that later. Practice already began.", I say a little insulted.

"K, love you and stuff."

"Love ya, too, Omi-Omi.~"

End of the  ̶c̶̶h̶̶a̶̶p̶̶t̶̶e̶̶r̶                         ˢᵗᵒʳʸ

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End of the  ̶c̶̶h̶̶a̶̶p̶̶t̶̶e̶̶r̶

Well, this is not a 'goodbye', this is a 'see you later'. I really enjoyed writing this and hope, you liked it, too. Maybe I'll write another one, but I'm very busy atm, so idk. Thanks to all of you for reading this! We almost got 3K and I never thought this would get so much reads. I liked to see the notifications when someone voted for my book and I read all the comments, because I loved to see people reading and enjoying this. The first book I've ever finished, I'm going to celebrate this day every year lmao

If you want to, you can leave a short comment here, how you liked the book. Would like to see your opinions and maybe some hints, what I could do better next time. Love y'all, have a nice day and stay safe!

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