Chapter 19

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〔Atsumu's POV〕

"You... dumbass said you were in... love with me."

I'm just standing here, confused like I never was before and looking at him. He's looking back and seems like the silence is killing him. 'Say something!', that's what his eyes are saying. But instead if saying something, I start bursting out laugh.

"Th- That's not funny! I was really confused, okay?", Omi says, angry, but blushing like a Tsundere. I try to calm down and end up wiping some tears away.

"Sorry, but ya noticed I was drunk, didn't ya?", I say. That's not the right moment for a confession. If I said now, that my drunk me was right, it would make the situation so awkward. It would be easier to just hold this... friendship?

"Yeah... I know. But not thinking about this was much more difficult than you can imagine. What would you do, if I said, I loved y-?", he says but gets interrupted. Why did he stop talking? What happened? It takes me so long to realise. Wait, no! I just told myself not to do anything like this! This is too fast! You can't do this! Why are you doing this?! But my body won't listen. My lips are placed on his, finding themselves in a soft kiss.

His eyes widen and I close mine to avoid seeing his disgusted, confused death gaze. I shouldn't do this. I've been in love with him for months, but this love's one sided! He doesn't like me. He doesn't know me. Before I got drunk, we never even really talked about anything, but volleyball and the team. He doesn't know me. He doesn't know me! So stop with this shit! You'll destroy everything before you can even built something up!

I freeze. This is not real! This can't be real! He's a germaphobe! He doesn't like me! He would never do this! So why do I feel like someone's kissing me back? I slowly open my eyes and see that he closed his. Also he wrapped his arms around me, without me noticing anything, being stuck in my thoughts. I'm dreaming or something! There's no other explanation for this! Nervously I push him away.

"Why did ya do this?", I ask, panicking and breathless. He looks at me like it was nothing special, while I'm blushing like an idiot. How the tables have turned... "It's only been five minutes since we were still arguin'! Why the fuck did ya kiss me?"

"You kissed me first, idiot.", he says a little annoyed, but without any bad intentions.

"But yer a germaphobe! And ya don't like me! Also this happened too fast!", I object, but he just looks at me, like there's a big 'Error' written right in my face.

"Calm down, we're not going to marry! Also I don't don't like you! So I like you, you know?", he says a little louder than before and you can see a slight shade of pink on his cheeks. Wait. Is this a confession? He... uh... I think I'll pass out. "But you're right about the germaphobe thing. In this case there's something called toothbrush. Maybe you should try it, too.", he adds, but I can't take him and his insults serious right now. Someone's repeating the word "Tsundere" in my mind. He turns around, starts cleaning a bench and shaping his jacket into a pillow to turn all this into a kind of bed. I'm still standing there, not really able to realise what happened. But I manage to put on one of my famous asshole smirks again.

"Oh, Omi-Omi~", I say, trying to sound cool and calm, but fail because of my shaking voice. "Now that's the moment when ya have to ask me out, isn't it?"

"Good night.", he says, lies down and leaves me alone with this cliffhanger.

", he says, lies down and leaves me alone with this cliffhanger

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You've waited long enough. They finally kissed. Now I'm going to bed, because I caught a cold, yaaay! Stay healthy, y'all! ✌😷

Also, I'm sorry for any dumb mistakes, my brain's like dead today, uh.

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