Chapter 12

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〔Atsumu's POV〕

Okay, fuck. I'm nervous. Thinking about this yesterday, I didn't really care and thought it would be just some smalltalk and then explaining what the fuck really is going on. But now things are getting more difficult, since I noticed I've got feelings for a germaphobe and my stupid brother was right. No matter what, I'm not going to admit it. First of all it's embarrassing as hell and also I don't want to admit that he was right.

Omi went to buy some things I wrote down for him, so I could visit 'Samu alone, without him getting bored. Again I'm standing in front of the same door as yesterday, but today there's no one keeping me save me from his questions. I knock on the door and open it. 'Samu's again just lying down and watching TV, while scrolling through his phone. A little happy smile is visible on his face. I bet he's texting Suna.

"Oi, 'Tsumu.", he says without looking at me.

"Hey 'Samu. Ya writin' Suna?", I ask and he's nodding in response. He turns off his phone and puts it on the bedside table. Wow, he has to be pretty serious, if he stops texting Suna to talk to me. He slightly looks at the chair next to the bed, asking me to sit down. I do what he asked for, sit down and wait for him to start this conversation.

"So ya and Sakusa, huh?", he asks and I feel my face turning dark red. I start nervously waving my arms around me. Well, I just realised that I seem to be a little to obvious, since he doesn't really seem to believe me.

"No, no, no! He just took me here and gave me one of his shirts, because I had no clothes to wear. We're not even friends! But we don't hate each other either, so it's more like a-"

"Yo, 'Tsumu.", he interrupts my speed talk. "Ya know I'm yer twin and can smell your lies, don't ya? Also yer a very bad lier." Can't do anything, but this song appears in my head. But that's not the time for this.

"I'm not lyin'! It's true!" In fact I wasn't even lying. Sakusa would never like me, so there is no 'you and him?'. Also we aren't really friends and the other things weren't lies either.

"But ya like him, don't deny it." I hate this twin thing. Whatever, I give up.

"Yeah, maybe.", I say and I'm pretty sure to see a grin, proud of himself on his face. "I don't care if he's always mean or if he's a germaphobe, what is actually kinda cute. He's such a softie and super sweet, secretly kind, hot as hell and I'm totally gay for him."

Scary how easy it is to talk to him. I hate how much I trust him, but he never disappoints me, if I need some advices.

"So he's a germaphobe?" I give him a confused look. Did I stutter? I'm just nodding, he grabs his phone and continues texting.

"So he hates germs, but gave ya his clothes, let ya dirty shit sit in his car, entered a hospital, also full of germs, and you still think he doesn't care about ya? Wow, yer so dumb."

"And yer rude!", I respond. But he's kinda right. "Well, but what should I do now? Thought yer gay ass could give me some advice."

"Wait a little longer. If ya tell him too early, ya might scare his ass away forever. Wait until ya think the time has come. You'll get it then, it's just a little difficult to explain it. But ya have to confess. So if ya feel like it's the right moment, ya should stop bein' a pussy and tell him." He could've say it a little nicer, but I get it.

"Got it, thank ya.", I say and stand up. He's looking up to me.

"Yer leavin' now?" I nod in response.

"Yeah, I promised Omi-Kun to hurry up and since I struggled thirty minutes in front of the door, I don't have time any longer." He smirks a little when I leave.

"Get him, tiger.", he says and I have to laugh a bit.

"K", is the only thing I say before I leave.

A/NToday I offer you Osamu being a supportive brother

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Today I offer you Osamu being a supportive brother. Tomorrow? Who knows? :)

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