Chapter 15

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〔Atsumu's POV〕

I stand right in front of the mirror and look at myself. It's impossible to not notice the huge eyebags, lying under my eyes like dark shadows. I couldn't sleep last night. All I was doing was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, taking a short look at the clock to check the time and stare back at the ceiling. But what's even more striking are the eyes themselves. They are red and swollen.

Did I cry? Maybe a little bit. The moment was perfect, but instead of having a confession I ended up destroying everything I built up with him. I'm such an idiot. It feels like someone's strangling me. I can't breathe. I feel myself becoming dizzy, so I put my hands on the edge of the sink to avoid falling down. I feel something dripping on my hands. It takes me a whole minute to realise that I'm crying again. I stop holding it back and start ugly sobbing right in front of the mirror. It looks so pathetic, but I don't care anymore. Nobody's here. I can just let it all out. I slowly sink down to the bathroom floor, pull my legs up to my chest and wrap my arms around them.

The floor is cold, but I don't care. It just feels so good to cry.

I hear my phone ringing and listen. Someone seems to call me. It's hard to stand up, but I do my best not to fall again. I take one step after another, slowly, maybe hoping that the other person will just think I'm busy and end the call. But it doesn't happen. My phone's lying on the kitchen table. I left it there after making breakfast just to eat nothing. I'm looking on the screen.

"Incoming video call - ANNOYING BROTHER LMAO 🥴😜💩"

Fuck you, twin senses. I quickly wipe my tears away and put on a smile. I know it looks fake, but if I don't force me to smile right now, I'll start crying again.

[ Accept ]                               [ Decline ]

[ Accept ]                               [ Decline ]

"Hey, 'Samu!", I say like nothing happened at all. No answer. He's just looking at me with his 'Are you serious?' - face. A little sight leaves his mouth.

"Okay, tell me what happened.", he says and my smile disappears. It feels so much better.

"I-", I start talking and hear my own voice breaking. I feel like crying again, but I know that I'm not able to talk when I cry, so I hold my tears back. "I made a lot of mistakes, I guess."

"I said, tell me what happened.", he repeats and I start sobbing again. I can't help it. It just happens. Why is this so heavy? Why isn't it just like it is in all these films? It took me three minutes to bring out just two words.

"Thank you."

He just nods and I start telling him what happened. I guess he hardly understands what I say, because of my terrible crying attack. But he keeps listening, giving me the feeling of not being alone. Sometimes I ask myself what I would do without him. It takes me really long, like literally really, really long, to tell him all the things I held back all the time. After I finished, he's thinking for a moment.

"First you should obviously apologize. He said some really rude things, but so did you. If nobody's gonna take the first step, it will stay that way maybe forever. Forget about your pride for a second and stop being a pussy."

"Y- yer right.", I say still sobbing. "Even if ya could've said it a little nicer." I force myself to laugh a bit and end up in this awkward laugh-sobbing state.

"Okay, now go to practice. And hell, do something against your eyebags. You look like Sangwoo.", he says and I get a little confused.

"Who's Sangwoo?", I ask him and he just shrugs.

"Dunno, just saw a meme on instagram. Bye."

"Wait, what-", I start, but he already hang up. Okay, is it just me or was this a little weird? Doesn't matter. I open the chat with Sakusa and start writing.

Omi-Omi~ 😷💕

Hey, guess we need to talk.
I'm sorry. I really didn't want to
insult you. I didn't mean it, I
just couldn't stop for some
reason. You're not a freak. And I
don't hate you. I really wanna
talk to you. There's so much I
have to tell you and I promise,
I won't hurt you again.

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I'm sorry about the Sangwoo thing, but I had to. These memes kinda annoy me, but I couldn't help it.

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