Chapter 7

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〔Sakusa's POV〕

"I'm on the highway to hell! On the highway to hell! Highway to hell! I'm on the highway to hell" I hit my head against the steering wheel. Forty-five minutes. He's been singing for forty-five god damn minutes! I don't even know whether I should just try to ignore him a little longer or punch him until he's finally quiet. In addition we are stuck in a traffic jam. It's warm as fuck inside the car, but I don't want to open the window right here. How could this happen to me? Why did I suggest to take him there?

"Hey, dumbass.", I say to Atsumu, my head still lying on the steering wheel.

"Yeah?", he replies and I look at him like I'm about to kill him, if he doesn't stop singing.

"Shut up or you can walk there.", I admonish him and he pretends to be insulted. For about five minutes it's all quiet inside the car. The best five minutes of the day. But the cars in front of us won't move. Atsumu carefully inhales, like he's afraid of his ass being kicked out of the car, if he says something.

"Thank ya, Omi-Kun.", he says. Did he just say 'thank you'? Is he sick or something?

"No problem.", I lie, because it won't help, if I tell him how much this situation annoys me. He's got enough stuff to worry about.

"Didn't expect ya to be such a softie. You carried me home, let me sleep at yers, gave me some of yer clothes to wear, 'cause I didn't have any and now yer driving me to the hospital. Yer awesome, Omi-Omi~ Even though ya hate me, yer pretty nice to me!", he explains smiling softly, but also a little creepy and I kinda feel weird for him thinking that I hate him.

"Actually I don't hate you.", I reply and he gives me a critical view.

"Then why do ya insult me all the time?" Here we go again: His fake-insulted face.

"Because you deserve it.", I say and he grabs his chest like someone shot him.

"Ouch, that hurts, Omi-Omi. But if ya don't hate me, what kind of relationship do we have then? Ever thought ya hated me." Relationship... The more I think about it, the more I want to find out, whether he really has special kind of... feelings for me or not. Only to gain clarity of course, nothing more! It's just strange not to know how to behave, because you don't know, what a person thinks about you.

"F... friends." Why the fuck am I stuttering? And why did I say that? That's so embarrassing.

"Aw, Omi~ yer blushing! How cute!" I quickly turn away and now I feel my cheeks getting warm. The hell? Stop this! This is pathetic! But fortunately the conversation ends since the gps voice interrupts us to say, that we'll arrive soon.

 The hell? Stop this! This is pathetic! But fortunately the conversation ends since the gps voice interrupts us to say, that we'll arrive soon

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Oh guys, nearly forgot to upload this one. Oops... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Because of this I also got not that much time for proof reading. I'm sorry, if there are any dumb mistakes.

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