Chapter 10

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〔Sakusa's POV〕

It has to be about 2 am, but I still can't sleep. How should I be able to? Atsumu is snoring like a tractor. Okay, you got me. I pretended to sleep to end the conversation. There's nothing bad about it. You'd do it, too, if you were tired of his shit. I turn my body to look at him. It's seems like he's a completely different person, when he's sleeping. He looks so peaceful, like a child, but with his messy hair and his loose shirt, he's kinda freaking handsome too. No wonder all his fangirls are simping for him.

Although he looks handsome, his super loud snoring destroys everything. Including my sleep. So I try to wake him up.

"Hey, Miya!", I whisper, but he doesn't even show a little reaction. It seems like he's snoring even louder. Like a human subwoofer or something. I take a pen, lying on the bedside table and start poking him.

"Atsumu, you fucker! Wake up!", I say a bit louder, hoping he'll wake up and stop being such a gigantic bumblebee, so I can finally get some sleep. But it doesn't do anything to him. I sit up, grab my pillow and throw it with speed of light in his face. For a second it seems like he's waking up, because he's moving a bit and mumbling something, but then he continues sleeping. I fight against the  wish to kill him right now, because I don't want to make a mess in here.

Wait. Silence? He stopped? I exhale in relief, lie down on my back and close my eyes. I leave the pillow where it is. There must be a lot of dirt on it, after it touched Atsumu's face and the floor. I don't even know what's dirtier, since the floor was cleaned, but Atsumu's always dirty.

Maybe I should take a last look on peaceful him before he disappears and Ratsumu returns. I open my eyes again, slowly and then look at him. For some reason I get hypnotised and without really noticing, I put my hand on his cheek and start carefully stroking it. His skin's much softer than expected. Still sleeping, a little smile appears on his face and there's a weird feeling in my stomach. Like hundreds of ants.

I pull my hand back. Knew it! I'm getting ill, because of his germs. Shouldn't have done this. Maybe I'm just too tired to think clearly, so I should at least get some sleep. But when I close my eyes again, determined to finally go to sleep, I hear a little snoring, quickly getting louder. It was this moment, when I decided that I want to die.

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