Chapter 9

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〔Atsumu's POV〕

Don't fall! Don't fall! Don't fall! I'm lying on a bed, keeping so much distance from Omi, that I nearly fall out of it. I had two shower twice, brush my teeth eight god damn minutes and still he doesn't want to get 'too close to me and all my germs'. Why he has to be such a germaphobe? Why do I have to lie in a double bed with a person, avoiding contact with people as much as possible? What if I'm moving while sleeping and accidentally touch him? Is he going to push me out of the bed then?

"Omi-Omi~?", I ask, turning my face to the boy that is obviously trying to sleep. It was too late to drive home, so we had to rent a hotel room. The problem was that there was only one double bed and no couch, so we had to share it. Also we spent about 2 hours cleaning. Too late to drive home, but never too late to clean. Just Omi stuff, I guess.

"What do you want?", he asks, seeming to be in a very bad mood. I can't sleep, but this silence is uncomfortable too, so I don't want him to sleep either.

"Did ya know that peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite?", I ask and he sights.

"Can't sleep or something?" Oh, he got it faster than I thought. He turns his face to me and I nod. Without his mask he looks pretty handsome, can't deny it. He looks kinda soft right now, even if he seems to be still a little annoyed. He's a little thoughtful for a moment, like he remembered something and after a minute he decides to ask me something.

"Was it just me or did Osamu behave weird today? He smiled so much, even he is injured. Something good happened?" I feel my cheeks getting uncontrollable warm and know that my face's red right now. I don't even know why. Maybe it was just an unpleasant situation, knowing that 'Samu seemed to have some pretty weird ideas about both of us.

"Guess he was just happy to see me.", I say, smirking like nothing happened and like the red in my face isn't even there.

"Of course... Who isn't happy to see you..."

"What about this sarcasm, Omi?", I ask and start to pout. My cheeks are still warm and I just hope, he can't see it in the dark.

"Guess seeing you was the worst pain he went though.", he answers and I believe to see a little amused grin on his face. Fuck, he's so cute without his mask! Just put it back on!

"You're mean.", I say leaving the bed, going to the window to open it. I decide to stay there until my fucking face calms down.

"What's up?", I hear Omi, who just sit up. I avoid making eye contact since I'm still a tomato and look out of the window, pretending to just wanting to watch the night sky. There're about a million stars up there, seeming so far away.

"It's too warm, so I had to open the window to get some fresh air.", I tell him and now look down to the dark city, brightened by all the colorful lights. I smirk and start talking. "Maybe it's so hot because of m-"

"Just shut up and go to bed, when you finished looking dramatically at the stars.", he says and the room gets filled with silence. Guess he just fell asleep, so I return to the bed, lying down, closing my eyes and trying to do the same.

 Guess he just fell asleep, so I return to the bed, lying down, closing my eyes and trying to do the same

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Guys, I'm sorry for not posting yesterday! I was on a family meeting and felt so uncomfortable. Family meetings are weird, 'cause I never know how to act in front of all these different generations and honestly there're always these annoying people, wanting to talk to you the whole time, even if you obviously show them, you wanna be left alone. :(

Also we got a new cover, 'cause I was tired of the old one. How do you like it?

This Moment When You Fall For A Rat  ⁽ ˢᵃᵏᵘᵃᵗˢᵘ ⁾ Where stories live. Discover now