Chapter 6

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〔Sakusa's POV〕

Atsumu hangs up and puts his phone on the table. For a moment, he's just sitting there, staring at the phone like he's expecting it to do something. I'm still standing at the door, saying nothing. I mean, what should I say? I don't even really know what the call was about. But it seems like someone should say something right now to break the silence, the room is filled with.

"Who was that?", I ask slightly looking at the phone. Now he looks up to me and it seems like he didn't even notice me yet. He tries to grin like always, but it looks even more fake than the other days.

"Someone from the hospital.", he answers and starts putting his stuff together. Fuck, Atsumu! Don't try to worm your way out of this! You can't just stop talking after this one sentence. And you know that.

"So, what happened?" I try to find out more, but he doesn't even look at me. Guess I'm not the person he would talk to about personal stuff, but to be honest I don't even know if such a person exists.

"Osamu woke up, so I'm gonna look after him.", he says and I try not to go crazy. Osamu? Why he's at the hospital?

"Could you please just tell me what the fuck happened to him?", I ask and maybe I'm a little annoyed right now. He stops what he's doing for a moment, but he still doesn't look at me. Now his smile completely disappears and he turns away, so I can't see his face.

"Osamu had a car accident.", he says and if you listen carefully, it sounds like you can hear his voice slightly break a little. Is that the reason for his lack of concentration yesterday? He was worried? After a short break he continues. "A 'friend' of him said he would drive him home, but he didn't tell him he was drunk. Osamu didn't notice it and before he could do anything they crashed into another car. I got a call that he was at the hospital, alive and out of danger, but he was asleep for five days now. And yes, maybe I was a LITTLE worried."

I think I judged him without knowing what was going on. Guess I was wrong this time. It was not his fault.

"How do you get there?" He finished packing his stuff, grabs his bag and looks at me.

"Since I forgot my keys, I don't have the keys for my car, too. So I go by bus, I guess." He didn't even showered. But maybe he's just in a rush, because doesn't want to lose time anymore. I don't know why, but let him leave like this feels wrong. When he tries to go out of the room, I grab his wrist to hold him back.

"The bus is full of people and germs. I'll take you there.", I say and he looks at me with a mix of relief and confusion. "But please, oh my- take a shower first-"

 "But please, oh my- take a shower first-"

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Hey, guys! Hope you liked the chapter. I try to do daily uploads, so I hope it'll work, 'cause I'm lazy af. Please don't judge me, if I forget it sometimes. Love you and thank you for reading my story!

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