Chapter 13

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〔Sakusa's POV〕

I'm waiting in front of the hospital, but still I can't see Atsumu. He told me he'd just need 20 minutes, so why isn't he coming? I wonder what Osamu wanted to talk about. Twin stuff or something like this. That's what he said. I know, it's none of my business, but I'm kinda freaking curious.

"Omi-Omi~! I'm here!", I hear a familiar voice saying and look around. I spot the blonde haired setter, who's waving his hand, smiling up to the ears. I cant help it, but smile a bit under my mask, too. Fortunately nobody's able to see it. When he's standing only two meters away from me, I toss him a small bottle of disinfectant. He nods thankfully, opens it and starts to desinfect his hands carefully. I know, I know, I already piggybacked him and stuff, but I really don't need any more germs.

We get into the car and I start driving. Tomorrow we have practice again, so we can't stay any longer. Also we finally need to find Atsumu's keys.

But holy mother of god, after driving only twenty minutes, the motor stops working and we're stuck on the highway. Why? Why's it always me? What did I do wrong? Please, god, tell me!

So, Atsumu's calling the car mechanic or whoever and meanwhile I step out of the car to get some fresh air. The streets are much emptier than yesterday. It's actually fucking quiet out here. Also it's already sunset time and the sun's going down, so the sky over the wide rapeseed field turns red. A crazy thought crosses my mind. This could be a pretty romantic place. No, actually it is.

Ew, Ratsumu infected me with his shitty thoughts. Before he said this love stuff, I never had such weird things on my mind. Disgusting. Pathetic. Stop thinking about this. First of all, love is disgusting. Second, I'm a germaphobe. To the people thinking point one and two are the same, you're wrong. Point one's about the fact, that loving someone means touching someone and that's disgusting. Point two's about the fact, that most people don't want to love someone, without touching them. So nobody would fall in love with a germaphobe.

Nobody wants that boring type of relationship. That tiring type of love with safety distance or showering five times a day, cleaning all the day, no cuddling, no kissing, no... lying next to each other in bed... It's not like I don't want that. But I can't. Do you think I don't just want a relationship like other people? It's not my decision, I can't do anything against my germaphobia shit. And nobody would like to have a relationship with someone, who gives them the feeling that you are always disgusted by them. Not even Atsumu.

The moment he appeared in my mind, I hear a voice whispering right from behind me.

"They'll be here in 20 minutes.", Atsumu says and I quickly turn around, making him take a step back. I'm looking at him like I'm about to kill him.

"Sorry, just wanted to see yer reaction.", he says and starts laughing a bit. It feels like his laugh is warming up the whole area. It's one of his rare honest laughs.

"It's okay. But if you ever do it again, I'll kill you.", I say also laughing for a second. Atsumu's looking at me like I'm a ghost or something. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing.", he says. "Yer just cute as hell when you laugh." He's smirking a little bit like a flirty piece of shit.

"Aw, yer blushin' again, Omi-Kun~!", he says and I'm covering my face with my hands.

"Sh-shut up!", I say and again I stutter without being able to avoid it. It's quite for some seconds, than Atsumu starts smiling in a honest and kinda lovely way. I'm scared. He looks down and starts fidgeting with his fingers.

"Kyoomi, I have to tell ya something."

A/NGuys, I'm sorry for not posting yesterday

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Guys, I'm sorry for not posting yesterday. I was pretty busy, so I wasn't able to write a new chapter. Also we just got more than 850 reads! Again, thank you so much. Love y'all!

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