Chapter Two

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  Nathan snaps a finger in front of my face, rudely interruptiong my thoughts. "Um, Nath .." I started to say, unsure of how I would put it. "My name is Cindy Loretta Sykes. Does that ring a bell somewhere ?" 

  Nathan smiled knowingly. "You're a Darogarian aren't you?"

  I stiffened. If I was just mistaken, if it was coincidental that his name ended with Payne, if he was just guessing about Darogars and was not a Darogarian.. Well, I'd be in deep trouble. Darogars was meant to be kept a secret, for fear of it being ruined by publicity. But I looked into Nathan's deep eyes, being swallowed whole by its depth, the colour of the sea .. I shook myself out of my daze. Nathan was definitely a Darogarian. After all - what he did to me just now, the swallowing sensation - he had the power of hypnosis. 

  Nathan flashed me a cheeky grin. "Liked that?" He asked, chuckling. "You can trust me." 

  "Well, yeah, I'm a descendant of Raocus Sykes," I replied. "And I can't believe you have the power of hypnosis! You must be, like, special or something."

  Nathan shuffled his feet awkwardly. He seemed embarrassed about something. "You could say that, I guess," he mumbled.

  "Huh? What d'you mean?"

  "I'm, well.." he hesitated. "I'm Prince Nate."

  I gawked at him. He was Prince Nate ?! The son of the king and queen of Darogars, the one who was famous for having stolen the golden eggs from the majestic but vicious dragon, Naruco.  "How d'you do it ?!" I asked, referring to stealing the golden eggs.

  "Hypnosis," answered Nathan, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

  We were silent for a few minutes. The only sound heard in the garden was the rustling of grass as we moved to collect the slugs. I was struggling to digest the fact that I was picking slugs with the famous and legendary Prince Nate. Wow. Picking slugs with Prince Nate. What an awesome life I've been blessed with. 

HEYY:)) Well this is Chapter Two. Will post Chapter Three either today or tomorrow. Tomorrow is the release of my PSLE results .. ahhh !!! Pray for me !! Love you my cookie doughs! Peace, love and sour cream to y'all out there, Aretha xx

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