Chapter Three

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  "All done," Nathan said, dusting his pants. I looked up at him, still unable to believe that he was Prince Nate. I stood up and thanked him. I hesitated, and then gave him an awkward curtsy.

  "Dee, don't do that. I insist. Treat me as a normal person.. as a friend," Nath quickly said.

  "Alright, if that's the way you want it," I grinned, slapping him lightly on the arm. I was glad that he wasn't some snobby, spoiled kid like most of the royalties. 

  "You live here?" asked Nathan, eyeing my house. All of a sudden, I felt self-conscious. Being a prince, he probably thought my house was nothing more than an old shack. 

  I nodded, once again blushing profusely. "Hey, its okay. Just 'cause I'm prince doesn't mean I look down on people. I like your house, by the way. Any chance of you inviting me inside?" Nathan said. I smiled widely and nodded. Motioning him to come over, I skipped up the porch to  our big, old house.

  "MOM!" I called out. Nath grimaced. 

  "Honey, you back?" I heard her call back. She walked towards the door to unlock it and let me in. She clucked disapprovingly. "Look at you, such a mess," She said, but smiled lovingly before pulling me into a hug. Nathan politely cleared his throat, and I jumped. I had forgotten he was there. 

  "Oh, Mom, this is Nathan James Payne."

  Nath extended an arm to shake hands with my mom. "It's nice to meet you," he smiled. I rolled my eyes. So polite.

  "You seem really well-mannered, unlike some people here," Mom smiled, giving me the evil eye.

  "Well, of course he's well-mannered !" I exclaimed. Nathan shot me a don't-go-there look. I poked my tongue out at him.

  "He's Prince Nate, Mom !"  

  Mom's eyes turned as wide as saucers. 

  "Look, Cindy dear, you're making Nathan uncomfortable. i'm sure he wants to be treated like a normal person, don't you, dear?" Mom said, clearly flustered.

  Nathan nodded and smiled. Mom told Nathan to make himself comfortable in our house while she prepared snacks and drinks. I plopped onto the sofa with my legs dangling in the air. Nath gingerly took a seat at the edge of the sofa, trying to avoid getting hit by my flailing legs. "So," I said. "Why're you here?" 

  "Well, one way to say it is that I'm visiting this world."

  I nodded, convinced that he was hiding something but not wanting to probe him more until I fully gained his trust and he gained mine. Just then, Mom came out of the kitchen carrying a tray laden with chips, cheese and salsa for dippings, freshly cut fruits, steaming chocolate muffins, and a jug of lemondae with glasses. "Wow, yum!" I jumped up into a sitting position to attack the food. 

  "Save some for Nathan, Dee !" Mom said. She glanced at Nathan, who had a look of utter amusement plastered across his face, and laughed at my appetite. Nathan took a tentative bite of a mufin. I snorted. "Nath, its not poisoned!" I said, with my mouth full.

  Mom shot me a warning glare. Nathan, convinced that we would not poison him, started eating faster, though not as fast as me. He seemed to enjoy my mother's muffins tremendously. Well, that's what she's famous for in this town, anyway.

HI THERE, COOKIE DOUGHS ! Well this is Chap Three, i got bored so I posted it today. What do you think? ;) Peace, love and sour cream to y'all !! Aretha xx

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