Chapter One

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It was a normal day, nothing special. No hints that it was the day that was destined to be one remembered until now. Ten years already passed since it happened.

I was eleven then. Not unlike any other day, I was hunting for slugs in the back garden. My hopes were high and dirt was smeared all over my face. It was summer and being outside -enjoying what little wind I was blessed to feel - was one way to keep myself active in the lazy midsummer, the worse time in the blisteringly hot season.


I jerked my head back, all ears. What was that? I listened intently for more of the snapping noise. It sounded like the snapping of twigs.


There it was again. I stood up and in the process of doing so knocked over my pail of slimy slugs. "CRUD!" I said, upset that my effort had been wasted. I began picking the slugs up, which wasn't an easy task, considering the fact that the slugs were desperately attempting to crawl away from me.

"Er.. Do you need some help?"

I jumped at the voice. A boy was standing ahead of me. He looked about my age, though slightly taller. Maybe five foot six? His looks - do not get me started on this - were striking. He had deep blue-green eyes and thick, wavy, ivory black hair that fell into his eyes. His smile looked warm and sincere. For some reason, he looked familiar. I could not lay my finger on what it was, but I had a feeling that we shared a similar trait.

"Um,hello?" The boy asked, peering at me. I was immediately snapped out of my reverie.

"Sure, you can help. My name's Cindy," I replied, my voice wavering slightly.

The boy flashed me a smile. My heart pounded so loudly it threatened to bust my eardrums. "Well, I'm Nathan," he said. "But you can call me Nath," he added.

"And you can call me Dee."

He crouched down, picking up the slugs. He did it gently, clearly not wanting to hurt the slugs. "What're you gonna do with the slugs?"asked Nathan.

I shrugged. "Just watch them squirm then let them go."

It sounded so mean, what I do with the slugs. A blush creeped to my cheeks - I was sure it was a flaming red now. I looked down, and then noticed something.

"Nath? Hope you don't mind my asking, but why aren't you wearing shoes or slippers?"

His grin stretched even wider. "I could ask you the same thing."

I jutted my chin out and pouted. "I asked you first."

He caved in and told me that he preferred it that way, that it somehow made him feel carefree. My hand froze in mid-air, with a slug desperately trying to wriggle free. I never used any footwear because of the same reason. I looked up at Nathan. A thought occurred to me.

"What's your full name?" I asked him.

"Nathan James Payne..why?" He replied. I shook my head, my dark curls bouncing. I stared at Nathan in amazement. My full name was Cindy Loretta Sykes. When I turned seven, strange markings appeared at my left leg. There were a few strange drawings on it. After approaching my mom about it, she told me the drawings depicted my ancestor name : Sykes. She then proceeded to tell me that I was different, a part of a hidden world called Darogars. In Darogars, the people had special abilities. It was categorized into three groups according to our ancestors. There were three, namely Sykes, Payne and Higgins. As I was a descendant from Sykes, my ability was flying and my special strength is the ability to resist the heat of fire. Along with that I have great stamina, something that can keep me running long after the other girls in PE class.

Descendants from Payne can become invisible and they can control weather. They are known to be very quick in motion and are excellent swimmers. Higgins descendants can breathe in water and they have a sense of smell as strong as a dog's. They also are known to be intelligent people, having been known to be the most successful people on both Earth and Darogars.

For all I know, Nathan James Payne could be a Darogarian.

Hey guys !! So here's the first chapter of Meant To Soar. I'm completely new to this thing ! Hope you like it. I don't really have any idea in mind, just writing whatever comes to mind. New technique! Well, love you guys !! Peace, low and sour cream, Aretha xx

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