Chapter 1

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A/N I'm slowly editing this for the hell of it.

It began when Sirius left for Hogwarts at the age of eleven. All throughout childhood, he was Regulus's only friend, the brother he would look up to, and the one who would protect him from being crucified by Walburga and Orion Black. All received his Hogwarts letter on his eleventh birthday. 

Sirius promised he'd owl Regulus once he'd left for school, and he kept that promise... or at least he did for the first week. After that, Sirius was far too busy with his new friends and new life. 

Regulus tried not to let that bother him, but when he didn't come home for yule break or even the summer holidays, he knew things were different, and he knew that his brother had found better friends than him. He had forgotten him.


Two years later, Regulus' letter arrived, inviting him to Hogwarts. He could finally see his brother again, but he no longer wanted to do so. At least he could finally get out of his hell-hole of a home. 

Since he had arrived late, the only empty compartment was at the back of the train, normally he wouldn't be bothered, it was quieter and there would be fewer people passing by his compartment and bothering him, so he'd probably choose that compartment, although, in the compartment beside his, sat Sirius and three other guys. 

Regulus wasted no time in quickly ducking into the empty compartment and closing the door, although it didn't go unnoticed by his older brother.

"Regulus?" Asked Sirius, walking into his compartment, his friends dragging behind.

 "Go away," Regulus groaned.


Before he could continue, Regulus interrupted. "I said go away."

Sirius looked at his younger brother with hurt in his eyes. Regulus was looking at his brother with a cold stare. It didn't take long before Sirius took the hint and left the compartment, walking back to sit down in his. Two of his friends followed him back into their compartment, although one of them stayed behind.

"What did he ever do to you?" The guys questioned, rather rudely.

 "Pardon?" Regulus responded. 'What did he do to me!? He left me with them for two years!' Regulus thought to himself. 

"What did Padfoot ever do to you? He just wanted to talk with his brother," Said the guy. 

"If he's so interested in talking to me, why did he leave me high and dry the past two years? I haven't heard from him since his first week of Hogwarts, he didn't bother coming home for the holidays for the past two years! For all I knew, he could have been dead!" Regulus spoke harshly in a hushed tone.

"I'm James by the way, James Potter." The guy said, before walking out of the compartment, leaving Regulus with his thoughts and for the first time in a long time, he allowed a few tears to fall.

He must have dozed off because the next thing he knew, the trolling lady opened the compartment door. 

"Anything from the trolley dear?" Asked the witch. 

"No thank you," Regulus told her. She left, leaving him alone once again. Around an hour later, the compartment door was once again forced open. "Are you alright?" Asked a red-haired girl, taking a seat in the spot next to him.

"I'm fine," He told the young witch.

"Oh, I'm Lily Evans by the way." She gave a warm smile.

"Regulus Black," Regulus replied politely.

 "Are you Sirius' brother by any chance?" Lily asked. 

"Unfortunately," Regulus muttered.

"Well, I can see the resemblance. I didn't know he had a brother." Lily said to herself.

"Not surprising, I sometimes wonder if he knows he has a brother," Regulus said bitterly, glancing at the compartment where Sirius sat, laughing with his friends. 

"I'm sorry," Lily spoke sincerely. "I should leave you be so you can get changed into your robes, we should be arriving soon," Lily said, walking out of the compartment.

Regulus pulled down the blinds and locked the door, before getting changed. Once he was done, he walked out of the compartment and to the washroom to wash his face. Sirius appeared to have noticed that he'd been crying, as he walked past their compartment, he looked at him worriedly. He rinsed his face before taking a deep breath and walking back out, to his original spot on the train.

Minutes later, the train pulled to a stop, and everyone got off. The first year were directed to go towards a bunch of boats. "First years over here." Called a tall, half-giant. "No more than four to a boat." The man said, in a thick west country accent. Regulus got into a boat with his friend, Barty Crouch Jr. and a guy and girl who he didn't recognize. 

Regulus sat at the front of the boat, taking in the sight of his new school. "DUCK!" Yelled the half-giant as they approached a bridge.

'Why would they make us go on a boat ride under a bridge if there's a risk of running into the bridge?' Regulus thought to himself. They soon arrived at the school and were led into the school, stopping in front of a large door. "Professor McGonagall, the first years." The man said, walking off. The first years were instructed to wait until the great hall was ready for them before they could enter.

The Professor eventually allowed them to enter, opening the large doors to the great hall. Regulus looked around in amazement, although to those around him, he appeared to have a blank face. "When you hear your name, come up and you'll get sorted ." They were informed. 

Regulus could feel eyes on him. He knew that there were probably many people looking in his direction as he was a first-year standing in the center of the great hall, but he could feel a pair of eyes specifically on him. He turned his gaze to Sirius and saw him and his friends all staring at him. He turned and looked away to listen to the sorting until he heard his name. 'Stay calm.' he muttered to himself, it's not like he'll be disowned if he gets sorted into anything but Slytherin... Regulus walked up and sat on the stool and the sorting hat was placed on his head.

'Hmm, not a bad mind, not bad at all.' Regulus heard a voice inside his head say. 'Hello?' he thought, nervously. 'Ah, smart boy, most people just think I'm speaking out loud.' Commented the hat. 'Hmm, loyal, intelligent, cunning, sly, chivalrous. But where to put you?' "Please say Slytherin, Please say Slytherin," I whispered under my breath. 'Slytherin eh?' Asked the hat. 'I don't know, you'd do great in Gryffindor." Teased the hat. 'Please, not Gryffindor!' He thought. 'Very well, better be...' "SLYTHERIN!" The hat said the last part out loud. Regulus sighed, relieved.

He went and sat down at the Slytherin table as the Slytherins clapped, as well as Sirius who looked disappointed but also clapped. After the rest of the sorting, Headmaster Dumbledore gave a speech, then the tables were filled with food. He's never seen that much food at once, not even at his family's fancy pureblood-only galas.

After dinner, the prefects lead the houses to their common rooms. The Slytherins were led into the cold dungeons of the school. They finally arrived at a painting of a knight. "Password?" Asked the portrait. "Pure-Blood." Stated the Prefect, and they were led into the common room. "Remember the password or else you'll be locked out." One of the prefects said, bluntly. "Your house is like your family, and you'll treat them like it." Explained the other prefect.

After the prefects gave a little speech on rules and behaviour, they were released to go find their dorms and get settled in. Regulus found he was rooming with four other guys, one of them being Barty, who he'd run into at many events that his parents had dragged him to. 

Regulus decided to have an early night and go to bed right after unpacking, while his roommates all decided to stay up to talk.

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