Chapter 1

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Hi guys, so this is my first BNHA fanfic so I hope that ya'll will give me some comments along the way! Hope you'll enjoy it and happy reading!

Katsuki's POV:

"KATSUKI! Come back here!" The old hag screamed as I took long strides towards the portal with my duffel bag slung over my shoulders. Tch, so annoying.

"Shut up old hag! I'll be back before you know it!" I shouted back as shitty hair raced after me.

"Bakubro, your mum ain't a hag... She's womanly!" He beamed widely as I shot him the 'shut the fuck up' look. "Anyways, I don't think it's safe. No one has ever traveled up before, who knows what will happen-"

"So you're saying you're doubting my powers?" I snarled as he took a step back, waving his hands frantically before him.

"Of course not, Bakubro! You're the most powerful and manly devil here!" He defended swiftly as I smirked. Of course I'm the best. Who else can beat me here in hell? No one. So the pesky weak creatures up there, called humans, won't even be able to touch even a strand of hair on my head. I don't see why they make such a big fuss out of it. Tch, cowards.

"I'll be back before sundown." I simply stated, stepping one feet into the portal as shitty hair wiped his tears away.

"My Bakubro is all grown up. *sobs* Take care!" He sniffled pathetically as I rolled my eyes at how dramatic he is. It's not like I'll be gone forever. I'm only visiting for the day, not for eternity.

Stepping in fully into the black swirling hole, the portal soon closed as I felt myself falling. Tch, I knew it wouldn't be a gentle ride.

Izuku's POV:

"Welcome to Deku's Delight!" I greeted energetically with a bright smile on my face upon hearing the door chime ring.

"Hi Deku! What would you recommend today?" The customer asked as I pointed enthusiastically towards my new creation.

"Would you like to try my All Might special?!" I jumped lightly on my feet as the customer chuckled. "It's an oreo cheesecake base with his iconic coloured swirls! It's not really special but it's after All Might!" I explained eagerly as the customer nodded with soft giggles.

 "It's an oreo cheesecake base with his iconic coloured swirls! It's not really special but it's after All Might!" I explained eagerly as the customer nodded with soft giggles

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"Always a hardcore fanboy, aren't you?" The customer smiled as I chuckled guiltily. "I'll have 1 of that and 1 of Mina Ashido." Nodding swiftly, I quickly placed the slices of cakes into a small white box before ringing it up for her.

"That's a total of $7.80. Thank you and have a nice day!" Taking the cash, I handed the customer her cakes before closing the shop for break. Let's see, shall I eat katsudon or curry udon? Katsudon sounds good but I feel like eating something slightly spicy... You know what? I'll go with Subway.

Heading to the nearest Subway, I ordered my favourite sub of chicken shroom poloni with honey oat bread, along with a strawberry cheesecake cookie and a cup of hot coffee before heading to a nearby park where there was barely anyone around.

Peeling the tape off the wrapper, I was about to restick it onto another area when a strong gust of wind blew, causing it to get blown away and drift behind my bench. Eek! Oh dear, what if I get fined for littering? I wouldn't be able to explain that I didn't do it on purpose! I better get it back before anyone sees it.

Placing my sub down, I turned backwards, letting out a sigh of relief when I caught sight of the green tape among a bush of bright yellow grass. "Thank goodness it did not fly far." I sighed out, bending over to pluck it out along with a few strands of grass stuck to it. Weird...since when did grass turn so fine? "Haha, it looks like hair-"

"So you're the one that plucked my hair huh, shitty broccoli?" A low menacing voice sounded right beside my ear, causing me to jerk back swiftly with the tape still in hand. Taking a quick look at the person who I've accidentally offended, I felt my mouth widen slightly at his overall image. Wow, he's hot... Wait, back to the issue here.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't know that you're sleeping there!" I apologized profusely, bowing repeatedly as he let out a sound of annoyance. Peeking up slightly to see him glaring down at me, I took out my cookie before offering it to him in return for his hair. "Forgive me?"

"Harh? You want me to forgive you after such sin? Did you know that pulling a strand of my hair can give you a death sentence? Do you want to die?" He snarled, grabbing my head with a hand as he tugged on my hair. Ouch, it hurts.

"D-Death sentence?! Don't your hair drop while you're bathing? There's no such rule-" I stammered out in fear, wondering what role-play was going on in that mind of his. Is he practicing his script for a drama? D-Don't tell me he's an uprising actor?! I mean I wouldn't doubt it based on his looks but his character is- I should get his autograph!

"Shut your blabbering, shitty nerd! I don't want to listen to your excuses." He snapped, pulling me up to my feet with the strong grip he still has on my hair as I tried to hold in the tears which were threatening to escape. "Bring me to your lair."

"L-Lair?" I asked in confusion as I tried reaching for my food which was on the bench. "Y-You mean my place?" I confirmed as he simply kept silent. Are all actors that rude or is it just him? Wait, how can I think of him like that? That's so rude of me! Maybe he's just not much of a talker or he doesn't know how to make friends!

"O-Okay! I'll bring you to my lair!" I beamed, finally grabbing hold of my food after much struggle with his hand still in my hair. I'll treat him to cakes as an apology! I wonder if he'll like my All Might special. One way to find out!

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