Chapter 17

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Warning!!! Long chapter ahead. Get ready snacks as you're gonna get hungry too.

"KACCHAN!" Hearing Izuku's scream, Katsuki snapped awake immediately, his mind fully alert as he quickly sensed the room for danger. "Morning Kacchan." Izuku chirped energetically as the blonde glared down at the smaller male who had made himself comfortable with him as his pillow.

Seeing how adorable Izuku looked in an apron with just his boxers on, Katsuki's gaze softened, a soft smile gracing his lips as he eyed the greenette lovingly. "Mornin Deku. What's gotten you so chirpy?"

"I've made us breakfast!" Izuku announced eagerly, his bright emerald eyes shining in anticipation as he couldn't wait for Katsuki to see what he had prepared for them.

Wrapping his arms around the smaller male's slender waist, Katsuki let out a satisfied hum as he took in Izuku's comforting scent. "Come on Kacchannn! The food is gonna get cold already." Izuku whined, struggling to get out of Katsuki's muscular arms as the blonde smirked at the sight before him with adoration in his eyes.

Managing to finally escape the blonde's tight grasp, Izuku grinned, pulling the lazy blonde out of bed and dragging him into the living room. "Tadahh!" He presented with a wide smile on his face as Katsuki stood there blankly, not sure of the occasion.

"Why the spread?" He asked curiously as Izuku simply smiled in reply. With an uneasy feeling in his stomach, he sat down slowly, taking in the widespread of colours before him as his stomach growled awake upon the smell of food.  

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