Chapter 13

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“Thinking of a certain shark boy?” Hearing the sudden voice, Denki jumped slightly as a certain blonde entered his sight.

“Queen Mitsuki.” He greeted, bowing slightly as she took a seat on the stairs beside him, giving no shit to who was looking.

“Nice weather ey.” Mitsuki sighed dreamily as Denki nodded, staring up at the red sky as dark coloured swirls drifted through the air. A gentle breeze blowing against their face as they sat in silence. “So… shark boy too dense?”

“You know how he likes bakuhoe.” Denki huffed, letting out a long sigh as Mitsuki chuckled, patting the yellow haired male by his head, snorting a little at the dejected looking teen.

“Well, steal your man back! He ain’t Katsuki’s yet.” Slapping the teen’s back repeatedly, Denki fell forward, rolling down the short flight of stairs as he laid down on the ground while contemplating her words. 

“How?” He asked, staring up into the identical-looking rudy red eyes which glint with slyness. 

“Shark bait.” Materializing a pair of bright red crocs which hooked onto her fingers, she dangled them above the yellow boy’s head, a smug grin showing on her face as she smirked down at him. 

“You’re a genius.” Denki chuckled, stretching his limbs before jumping back to his feet with a wide grin on his face. 

“Of course. I ain’t my son. Well let’s get going!” Hooking her arm over Denki’s shoulder, dragging him along with her as they went in search of a certain redhead.

“N-Now?!” He exclaimed, halted in his steps as he stared flabbergastedly at his reckless Queen in disbelief as she sent him a full-blown wide grin.

“Of course! Time waits for no one! Oh look there he is! Go get him kiddo!” Pushing the crocs into Denki’s arms, she teleported him before he could even comprehend what was happening, transporting him over the redhead and letting gravity do the rest.

“Woah! Kami? Did you fall from the sky?” Eijiro exclaimed in surprise, letting out a boisterous laugh as Denki towered over him with a blush as red as his hair. 

Seeing the position he was in, Denki quickly flung himself back, plopping his butt down on what he thought was the floor as the redhead stared at him confused. “H-Here.” Denki stuttered, passing the pair of crocs to his crush to which his eyes lit up in excitement. 

“Woah! Thanks bro! These look sweet!” Eijiro swooned, hugging the crocs to his chest as a tear rolled down his cheek, treasuring the gift from his best bud. “I’ll treasure it!”

“W-Welcome.” Denki coughed, a warm smile appearing on his face as he basked in the bright aura coming from the other. “Wanna spar?”

“In bed?” Eijiro asked innocently, remembering the yellow head’s previously spoken words as Denki choked on air. Mitsuki who was eavesdropping using a hearing enhancer magic burst out laughing, only to disappear swiftly when she caught sight of Denki glaring at her.

“Normal spar.” Denki corrected as the teen’s eyes lit up brightly, nodding eagerly at the once in a lifetime chance. Attempting to stand, he realised that the yellow head was currently sitting on his abs, not even noticing that fact.

“Kami… You're sitting on it.” He pointed out, causing the other to jump in alarm when he looked down, pressing his hands down onto the redhead’s chest as he hurriedly got off. Hearing a low groan from the male, Denki squeaked, rushing away immediately as Eijiro laid there slightly stunned as he watched the back of the slender male, his body getting harder than usual. For a moment, he thought that the yellow head looked beautiful but maybe it was the light.

“Are you not coming?” Denki huffed as the male quickly climbed to his feet, rushing after him.

“Are we really going to spar?” Hearing a hum leave Denki’s lips, Eijiro jumped, fist bumping the air as his heart went into an overdrive mode.

“Really?!” Racing after his best friend, Eijio stared excitedly into the pair of citrine yellow eyes with his own shining ones as the shy boi desperately tried to avoid his gaze.

Thinking about it for another second, Denki paused, snorting loudly before picking up his pace. “Never mind. I’m too lazy.” 

“What?! Wait! Kami! You just agreed-”

“Did I?”

“You just did!”

“Oh I don’t remember.”

“Kamiii! Spar with me!”

“No thanks.”

"In bed?"

"I'll think about it."

Back on earth…

"Devil?! What's a devil doing on earth? I thought they were banned from earth?" Fuyumi exclaimed, accidentally knocking her cup over as she stared up at her little brother with a stunned look on her face.

"They're not. They're allowed to but only 1 at each time. If 1 visits, the other has to wait for the previous devil to get back then he or she can go. However it comes with a downside. Their power will restart at zero. Unless they find a human to take them in, they'll most probably starve to death before they gain back enough power to return back to hell. So for 18 years straight, no one else has descended...until now." Shoto explained, sipping on his tea as his older siblings sat around him in silence.

"What should we do?" Natsuo asked worriedly, stirring his tea mindlessly as they turned to look at their eldest sibling for answers.

"Don't look at me. It's a first for me too." Toya shrugged, spinning his teacup on his finger in an attempt to cool the drink down as the others sighed.

"What's the devil name?" Fuyumi asked as Shoto rolled his eyes thinking about the hot tempered devil.

"Katsuki Bakugo." He answered clearly as a crash was heard. The teacup that was once on Toya's finger had toppled over, meeting with a miserable death as it crashed into pieces onto their hard laminated floor.

"The hot headed pomeranian?" He asked in disbelief as his youngest brother nodded in confirmation. Sighing loudly, he cleared the mess with a snap of his fingers before turning to his siblings with a serious look on his face. "I'm guessing the human he found is Izuku Midoriya?"

"Yes. How do you know?" Shoto asked as Toya sighed even louder, not knowing where to start.

"Remember 18 years ago where the old loony up there banished an angel down here to get punished? But got miraculously taken in by the Queen of hell?" He started as the other 3 stared at him attentively. "That's the mother of Izuku Midoriya and Queen Mutsuki's best friend on earth, Inko Midoriya."

"No way!" Natsuo exclaimed in disbelief, toppling his tea over as Shoto simply stared at his siblings wondering what's wrong with them and spilling teas.

"But yes. Both of them got tangled with 2 human males on earth. Actor Tosinori Yagi and his manager, Masaru Bakugo. Long story cut short, Mr Bakugo knows he has a son but Mr Yagi doesn't. Since the demon blood was stronger, Queen Mitsuki was able to bring her son back with her to hell but being banished by the old loony, Izuku wouldn't be able to sustain in the hell together with them so Inko decided to let him live alone on Earth while watching over him in hell." 

"Why didn't Inko tell Mr Yagi about it?" Fuyumi sobbed, as she blew her nose into the tissue while Natsuo patted her on her back.

"Because if the old loony knew about it, Mr Yagi has to die for it's a sin to taint the 'holy' servants. To sum it up because I'm too lazy to explain further, both Inko and Queen Mitsuki knew it was fate for their sons to meet in the human world."

"So what's going to happen to them?" Shoto asked though he sort of knew the answer based on the figure he saw above Izuku's head back in the hospital.

"They'll both return to their original places of belonging."

"You don't mean…" 

"Izuku Midoriya is going to die."

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