Chapter 23

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"Matsuri? What's that?" Katsuki questioned as he eyed the flyer the greenette had handed to him. Seeing a vomit of colours and a dash of unicorn poop over the piece of paper, he shrugged going along with the other's wishes despite not being that interested in it. "Let's go then." He answered, causing Izuku's eyes to sparkle in delight.

Rolling over onto his belly, Izuku wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist, tucking his head against the crook of Katsuki's neck and breathing in the calming scent of the male. Something in him felt out of it and he knew he didn't have much time left. He felt weak and tired despite it only being 10 in the morning.

"What's wrong, Deku?" Katsuki asked with worry in his tone as he eyed the erratic breathing of the smaller male, sweat forming on the sides of the greenette's forehead as he lay there panting in his arms.

"Tired..." Izuku breathed out heavily as he tried making himself comfortable against the blonde. "Stay..." He mumbled, a soft smile forming on his face upon feeling the blonde's hand running through his hair.

Wiping the sweat away from the teen's face with another hand, Katsuki carefully readjusted his position, allowing the other male to lie more comfortably in his arms. He too knew that Izuku's time was soon coming to an end but he just didn't want to admit it, afraid that it will happen sooner than he can even prepare himself for the blow.

Closing his eyes shut, Katsuki leaned forward. Placing a light kiss against Izuku's forehead, Katsuki savoured the natural warm body heat from the smaller male, his arm wrapping around the much slender frame as he pulled Izuku closer, afraid of losing him.

Soon... the body that was once warm will turn cold.

Soon... the familiar naggings will turn into an eerie silence.

Soon... the emerald eyes that were once full of life will turn dull and distant.

Soon... he'll never be able to see Izuku's smile again.

The thought of it scares him for he too has fallen too hard for the other, only having to be forcely separated by fate. The thought of not knowing whether the one he loves will be suddenly taken away from him one day terrifies him, despite being one who had seen many deaths.

"Fuck Izuku... I love you so much that I'm fucking scared of losing you." He whispered out under his breath as he felt his heart clench suffocatingly in his chest. "I hate myself... "

~ Time skip brought to you by the problem child~

"Kacchan look! Taiyaki!" Izuku exclaimed, running towards the food stores eagerly as he dragged the blonde along.

"Slow down Deku! You're gonna fall!" Katsuki scolded, growling under his breath when the teen paid no heed to his words.

"Two please!" Izuku ordered, handing the money to the store owner before receiving his order with glee. "Kacchan here! Try it!" He pushed, placing one in the blonde's hand before digging into his own, moaning loudly at the sugary sweetness.

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