Chapter 14

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Watching as crimson red droplets of blood dripped into the white porcelain sink, Izuku let out a long heavy sigh as he hunched over the sink with hands gripping onto its rim. Peeking up slightly to see his haggard reflection in the mirror, he dropped his head back down, swiftly rinsing the blood away before wiping his face dry.

Exiting the bathroom as quietly as possible, he trudged into the kitchen, popping a few painkillers before washing the nasty pills down with a cup of water, the sharp pangs in his chest worsening as the days passed. Despite being physically healthy according to his doctor, Izuku felt like shit, as though he got run over by a truck repeatedly.

Taking the spare blanket, he made his way to the sofa, sitting down softly before curling up into a ball with the blanket wrapped around him tightly like a burrito. Digging under the sofa, he pulled out his notebook, flipping to a new page as he clicked his pen.

Thinking of a certain blonde, his mind wandered, recalling the times spent with him. Despite all the times Katsuki had made him mad, the angry screams and the fist fights they had, he was the one that Izuku spent the longest time with.

Before Izuku even knew it, the blonde had waltzed into his heart and become an important part of his life that he couldn't imagine living without. He can't imagine a day not listening to the blonde's screams, missing out on seeing the blonde smirk all so arrogantly and being treated like the one he treasured most.

As if realisation of his own feelings just dawned upon him, he froze slightly, gripping the pen in his hand hard as he hugged his knees. "I love him..." He sniffled, tears welling up in his emerald green eyes and rolling down his soft freckled cheeks like an endless stream.

He doesn't know if he's entitled to fall in love with Katsuki for one day the blonde will have to return to hell. He doesn't know if he even has time left to spend the future with Katsuki. The fact that he knew nothing of the future scares him.

That was when he thought of Shoto's words 'Don't let yourself have any regrets in life. Spend as much time with your loved ones when you still can.' Remembering those words, Izuku took a deep breath as he calmed his racing heart down, not letting the negative thoughts get into his head. Instead he only focused on what he was going to do from then on.

With a mind full of Katsuki Bakugou, a soft smile appeared on his face as he let his mind fill with inspirations while he scribbled down whatever surfaced in his mind. He was going to confess his feelings to the blonde and he wanted it to be memorable for the both of them, so that's exactly what he's going to do.

Closing his notebook with a satisfied smile, he slid it back under the cushions before making his way back into his room where the blonde slept snugly. Lying down beside the larger male, he curled up against the warm muscular back as he breathed in the comforting caramel scent that the other emits. With heavy eyes, they soon fluttered close as Izuku dozed off into the silent night with a peaceful mind.

10 more days to Katsuki's birthday...

~ Time Skip ~

Feeling the morning sun shine against his face, Katsuki scowled, throwing his arm over his eyes before turning to the opposite direction. Letting his arm drop, he blinked the tiredness away as he focused his gaze down at the smaller male who was curled against him.

Checking the time, he huffed, shaking the greenette lightly to get ready for work. "Oi,Deku. Wake up." He called as he pushed himself out of bed. Seeing how the Izuku wasn't moving, a tick mark formed on his head as he stomped back to the bed.

"Wake the fuck up Deku!" He growled, pulling the male out of bed as Izuku fell limply onto the floor without even stirring. Watching Izuku fearfully, Katsuki wasted no time in rushing towards the unconscious greenette, picking him up cautiously and placing him back onto the bed as his heart hammered his chest.

"D-Deku? O-Oi. Wake up." He called out anxiously, slapping Izuku's cheeks lightly in hopes of waking the male up but to no avail. The only thing that kept him from freaking out and running out of the apartment in only his joggers was the faint breathing of Izuku's.

With shaking hands, he quickly grabbed Izuku's phone, swearing loudly when he saw it locked. Rushing out to the living room with the phone in hand he rummaged through the place, remembering that there was a list of emergency contacts Izuku had written down for him when he first arrived. He felt like his heart was going to explode as every second passed without him able to find a simple piece of paper.

Giving up, he ran to the window, sliding them open swiftly. "What's the number to call for the ambulance!" He hollered, not caring about the weird looks he was getting from the other passersby. Thankfully before he could scream again, one of them shouted the number to which Katsuki dialed for immediately.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Deku is not waking up and he's breathing fucking slow!" Katsuki cussed, panicking the hell out as he tried ways to wake the greenette up while ensuring that he was still breathing.

"Alright. Calm down sir. The ambulance will come soon. Can you give us your address?"

"Address?! Fucking hell! How would I know!" He yelled, hanging up the call before picking Izuku up into his arms bridal style and betting all his magic on it for a miracle to happen, even a slight hope but to no avail.

With a gut feeling that he couldn't waste any more time, he ran. With only the thought of saving Izuku in his mind, he ran down the streets, asking for directions along the way as he held Izuku tightly in his arms. Sweat trickled down his forehead and dripped off his chin, so much so that he didn't know whether it was just sweat or was it mixed with his tears. Weird looks were gained as they watched him run barefoot on the streets but he paid no one any heed.

Barging through the hospital doors, he ran to the nearest counter where the nurses stared at him in shock, rushing into action as they spread out and got into action. "Help him ,please." Katsuki pleaded as they took Izuku out of his grasp and onto a bed, hooking him up with machines which Katsuki had never seen before.

"Dr Todoroki!" One of the nurses called out as Katsuki snapped his head towards the doctor with wide eyes.

"You're a doctor here?" Katsuki exclaimed in surprise as Shoto calmly checked on Izuku's vitals, not a hint of fear or surprise shown on his face.

"Bradycardia." Was all Shoto said for the nurses to push Izuku away and into the operating room.

Grabbing the doctor by the shoulder, Katsuki threatened as Shoto stared at him with an emotionless look on his face. "You better help him, you hear me half-and-half!"

Straightening his coat, Shoto nodded, a confident look showing in his eyes as he looked into the watery red ones. "Izuku is fine. He still has time."

"What do you mean-" Before Katsuki can question the doctor further, Shoto had already disappeared behind the closed doors, leaving Katsuki all alone as he sat outside waiting and waiting...a feeling that he didn't know he'd dread so badly.

"You better survive Izuku or I'll drag you to hell with me."

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