Chapter 11

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"Patient number 157, room 111!" The nurse called as Izuku shot up to his feet with his number in his hand.

"I'm here!" He announced, walking towards her as she pointed down the hallway with the clipboard in hand. Following the direction he was pointed towards, he soon found the door, knocking firmly on it before entering.

"Midoriya Izuku?" The doctor asked monotonously as Izuku jumped, nodding quickly as he closed the door behind him.

"Ah yes! Erm... you are?" Izuku asked as he sat down awkwardly in front of the bicolored hair doctor who was ignoring his existence.

"Shoto. Shoto Todoroki. You can call me Doctor Todoroki." The doctor introduced as he continued typing away on his computer. "So what's wrong?"

"You see... I've been having nosebleeds out of nowhere and also recently vomited blood... am I going to die?" Izuku stuttered fearfully as he played with his fingers under the table in an attempt to ease his anxiety.

Finally looking up to spare his patient a look, Shoto froze as he observed the greenette who was fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat. "I see. Do you have any other symptoms or any past medical records?" He asked, taking out his stethoscope as he held it over Izuku's chest.

Nothing was wrong with the greenette as far as Shoto can see but something wasn't making sense. Typing into his computer, he printed out an appointment slip, handing it over to the greenette who received it with shaking hands. "Midoriya, please proceed to the radiology department and take this letter with you. Please come back after you're done with the scan." He instructed as Izuku nodded anxiously, exiting the room with wobbly legs as the door closed with a soft thud.

Crossing his fingers, Shoto was pondering hard when his phone rang. Picking his phone up without checking the caller I.D, he regretted almost instantly when he went half deaf. "SHOTOOOOO-" Before he could even hear another word, he hung up immediately, muting his phone as he took the next patient.

Izuku's POV:

Tapping my leg nervously, I sat frozen to the seat as I awaited Dr Todoroki's assessment. With furrowed eyebrows, he looked up from my mri scan report as he let out a long sigh. Am I... dying? "From your reports..." He started, pausing for a while as he crossed his fingers to stare at me with serious eyes. "There's nothing wrong with you but I'll still prescribe you some painkillers in case you ever need it."

Hearing the good news, I let out a long sigh of relief as all the anxiety washed out of my system. Sitting there with a lighter heart, I shuffled awkwardly as Dr Todoroki stared at my face with an intense gaze before throwing the folder one side. "Live your life to the fullest, Midoriya. Don't let yourself have any regrets in life. Spend as much time with your loved ones when you still can." He said grimly as I could only nod, not knowing what to say to the doctor. He's kinda weird...

Thanking the doctor, I picked up the painkillers from the counter, paying for it before leaving promptly. Now that I think about him, he's kinda hot... but not as hot as Kacchan... eh? EHH?! Why am I even thinking about him?! Izuku, snap out of it.

Spend as much time with my loved one huh... like I have any to begin with... I wonder what Kacchan is doing. He did say that he'll be busy today... oh wells, not my business. Deciding to pay the supermarket a visit, I grabbed packets of snacks off the shelves, piling my basket full with them. I hope this counts as living my life to the fullest.

Getting home within record time, the smell of food wafted through the air as I dropped the snacks onto the table, peking into the kitchen to find Kacchan in an apron...topless. Well, he looks mouth-watering. "Whacha makin, Kacchan?" I asked suddenly after creeping behind him silently but to my disappointment, he didn't even flinch.

"Udon." He simply answered as he turned off the flames. Teleporting the two steaming claypots onto the dining table, he grabbed the cutleries, washing them clean before pulling me out by my collar. Taking our seats, I opened the lid as a flavourful aroma assaulted my nose making my tastebuds tingle.

"Since when can you cook?" I teased, earning an eye roll from him as he added tons of chilli flakes to his

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"Since when can you cook?" I teased, earning an eye roll from him as he added tons of chilli flakes to his.

"Since forever. Now shut up and eat, Deku." He huffed, as I snickered at his comment.

"Thank you for the food."

Taking a sip, my eyes lit up in delight as I stared at the food in surprise. It's good. Who knew that he could really cook. "It's not spicy?" I asked, realising that the usual spiciness wasn't there. Is that why he added so many chilli flakes into his?

"You wanna get a nosebleed again or what?" He growled, sending me a scary glare as I shook my head frantically to which he let out a satisfied huff. Gosh... he's scary.

"Shall we watch a show? I bought snacks." I asked hesitantly as we almost finished our meal. Looking up at me with an unreadable expression, a slight disappointment washed over me as I waited for his reply. Is that a no? "I got spicy ones for you! You can choose the show too! But I don't have that many discs so hopefully maybe there's one that you'll like-"

"Deku, stop rambling." He snapped as I whispered an apology.

"Do you have extra pillows and blankets?" He asked as I stared at him confused before shaking my head no. Hearing a slight tch, he snapped his fingers as a blanket fort appeared over the sofa with fairy lights hanging from it. Pillows of different colours and sizes littered over the soft cushions as a soft carpet covered the floor.

"K-Kacchan?" I stuttered, not knowing what to say at that sight before my very own eyes.

"Shut up nerd. Don't say anything." He muttered, clearing the dishes with his magic before grabbing the bag of snacks and placing it in the middle of the fort.

"Thank you." I whispered softly as he paused in his steps for a moment before shrugging it off. I wonder if it was my eyes playing tricks on me but I swear I saw a faint blush appear on his cheeks as he turned to face away from me.

You know what? I think I'm not alright... my heart feels weird... It's not something that I've felt before. What is wrong with me?

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