Chapter 5

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Back in hell...

"Kamiii! He's dead! Bakubro is dead! It's all my fault! I killed him!" Eijiro wailed, latching onto the yellow boy who had an indifferent look on his face. 

"Bakuhoe ain't dead. I bet he's too busy screwing those humans to even think of coming back." Denki shrugged, trudging off with a large teddy bear dragged along by his waist, passing by their anxious-looking queen as she paced up and down the hallway.

Spotting their queen, the redhead sucked in a large breath, manning himself up as he stomped over to her. "My queen-"

"Ah! Kiri! Oh, seems like you're here too, Kami! Just in time-" Mitsuki chirped, rushing over to them.

"Please hear me out, my Queen! I'm so sorry about Bakubro! If I didn't let him go, he wouldn't be dead! It was not manly of me to do so! Please punish me!" Eijiro's voice boomed loudly in the silent enclosed space as he looked down onto the ground, not daring to see his queen's reaction.

"Harh? Like that brat will die so easily. I bet he's thinking with his dick more than his brain that's why he's not back yet. " She snorted loudly, causing the soft boi to stare up at her with a dumbfounded look on his face. "It's not your fault Kiri. It's all that dumb brat's own problem." She chuckled, patting his soft red hair which he hadn't spiked them up since the disappearance of his main bro.

'Goddess! My Queen is a goddess! My queen is the most womanly!' Eijiro thought to himself, tearing up from her touching words as he stood up slowly, wiping his unshed tears away while staring at his Queen with much admiration.

"Anyways, I'm in a dire situation." Mitsuki suddenly turned serious as the two boys gulped, wondering what could threaten their all-mighty Queen. "What should I wear?!" 

"You look in anything, my Queen." Eijiro answered honestly but that answer didn't seem to be what she was finding.

"My Queen... go commando. Well, that's what I would like to say but you look even more breathtaking in... that." Denki smirked, giving her a Lenny face to which she reflected the same look on her face with much amusement.

"I love your thinking kiddo. I knew I can count on you. I'll be going now, remember to use protection, my boys." She chirped, disappearing from sight as beautiful red sparkles fluttered down and vanishing into thin air.

"What's... that?" Eijiro asked in pure confusion as the other grinned.

"It's just that." He answered vaguely, winking at the innocent bean who just stared at him even more confused. 

Turning at a corner, Denki stopped abruptly, causing the slightly taller male to bump into him. Taking a side step, he turned, pinning the redhead against the wall and trapping him between his arms. Leaning over slightly, he breathed out huskily, "What's so good about Bakuhoe even? I treat you better."

"He spars with me. You're always finding excuses to avoid me..." Eijiro murmured, staring down at the yellowhead with much concern towards his sudden behaviour. 

"I can spar with you too..." Denki whispered, looking up into the guy's sparkling red ruby eyes as he felt his heart softened. Stepping away slightly, he let his hands slide off the wall as he looked up hesitantly, watching out for the other's reaction. 

"You will?" Eijiro asked excitedly, making the yellowhead huff in amusement before shaking his head. 

"Only in bed, of course." He breathed out softly before turning and continuing his route.

"B-Bed? What if it breaks?" He stuttered out, purely concerned over breaking the bed, too dense and innocent to get what the other one was hinting. "Kami? Hey! Don't ignore me! Kami!"

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