Chapter 9

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"Kacchan-" Izuku voiced out hesitantly, reaching out to get the knife when red eyes landed on him.

"Sit. I'll do it." Katsuki said in a warning tone. Flicking the knife up into the air, he spun it skillfully, making beautiful clean cuts into the freshly baked sponge cake without before slamming the cakes layer down over the neatly spread frosting he had done effortlessly.

Sitting back down onto the chair with a sigh, Izuku huffed, staring off into space as he watched the devil work around the kitchen like he owns it. Ever since the night before, Katsuki has been overly protective and cautious over Izuku, not allowing him to do those works that he felt are heavy labour works.

Just then the door chimed, signalling a customer as Izuku jumped to his feet, rushing to the front counter before Katsuki could even stop him. "Izu dear!" The dark blue haired beauty called out sweetly, causing the greenette eyes to light up upon catching sight of his frequent customer.

"Midnight!" He exclaimed excitedly, bouncing on his feet lightly as Katsuki stomped out from the kitchen with the stool in hand. Grabbing the smaller male by his shirt, Katsuki pulled him towards the chair before pressing him down onto it.

"Sit, Deku! You wanna die or what! And you! What do you want you shitty extra!" The blonde snapped, glaring at the customer while pressing a hand down on Izuku's shoulder, feeling how the greenette was struggling to escape under his grasp.

"I won't die from serving cakes, Kacchan!" Izuku argued in his own defence only to get glared at by the protective blonde. 

"Die?" Midnight asked with slight worry as Izuku frantically shook his hand, not wanting her to think it was a big deal.

"None of your fucking business extra! Now what the fuck do you want!" Katsuki spat, grabbing a flat cake box from under the counter as Midnight stared at him with an amused gaze in her eyes.

"One shouta and one mic." She ordered as Katsuki threw the cakes neatly into the box before taping it up and pushing it at her face while grabbing the cash. "Oh, can I have one Izuku to go too?" She ordered on purpose with a wide grin on her face as she watched the raging pomeranian blow up.

"Harh? Fuck you! Izuku cakes are mine you fucking b-! " He snarled, threatening to jump over the counter and chase her out in case she puts a hand on his property.

Before he could even do so, Izuku jumped out of the chair and onto the larger male's broad back, wrapping his arms and legs around the fuming blonde in hopes to restrain him. "K-Kacchan stop! I'm so sorry Midnight!"

"Ah no worries, I understand. Anyone will get possessive over someone as cute as you, Izu. Just let him unload his sexual tensions and he'll be fine." She snickered, sending a playful wink to the blushing greenette who was trying to hide his face behind the blonde's back. "Well, I'll be going then Izu dear. Have fun but not too much fun! Remember to use protection!" She crackled, grabbing her cakes and leaving the store, not before sending a knowing look towards the pissed off blonde.

"I-Is she gone?" Izuku whispered as he peeked out slightly, letting out a sigh of relief when he realised that they're left all alone. "Thank goodness…" Letting out a deep breath, he slid down from Katsuki's back, entering the kitchen silently after motioning the other to follow along.

"Now Kacchan…" Izuku began with a sigh as he stared at the guilty looking blonde, not knowing how to say it without offending the male.

"I know what you're gonna say." He grumbled, leaning against the wall with arms crossed as he stared at the wall of equipments, not wanting to see the disappointment in Izuku's eyes. Not that he had done that on purpose but it was kind of a habit for him by now. The fact that he's also concerned over the greenette's health just placed him in an overly anxious mode where he can't control his emotions, much less his words.

"So...can you tone down a little on the use of such colourful words?" Izuku requested nicely as the blonde nodded with a sulk. "That's a good boy, Kacchan." He cooed, patting the blonde on his head with giggling at the sight of it, it was as if he was patting a large puppy.

"Then can you let me do something?" Katsuki asked, waiting patiently for Izuku's permission as he stared down at him with honest eyes. Receiving a silent yet firm nod, Katsuki lifted him off the ground, placing the greenette onto the kitchen island before placing his hands around Izuku's slender neck.

"Kacchan?" Izuku called out hesitantly as he couldn't help but wonder what the blonde was trying to do.

"Quiet, Deku." Katsuki said calmly as he closed his eyes, focusing his magic to his hands as he scanned for signs of abnormalities around the upper part of Izuku's body. With only a hint of magic, he can't scan the person with his eyes like he always does back in hell, not that demons fall sick even, so he had to be in direct contact with the person in order to trace for any potential harm which may be found in the greenette's body.

Running his hands down slowly from the neck to the shoulders and finally to the torso, Katsuki frowned deeply as a bead of sweat rolled down his face. Not only did he feel his magic draining rapidly just doing such a simple thing, he felt that he wasn't able to use the magic as he wanted to, making him feel useless. The magic hardly allowed him to discover what's going on in Izuku's body, only allowing him to see the bare minimum which all appeared to be healthy.

Letting out a deep breath, his eyes fluttered open, only for him to let out a frustrated groan as he pulled on his hair. "K-Kacchan?!" Izuku exclaimed in shock when the blonde suddenly started to beat himself up for no reason. Hopping off the kitchen island, he squatted down beside the curled up blonde, rubbing his back in long strokes as the blonde quivered under his touch.

"You ok, Kacchan?" He asked worriedly. 

"Sorry…" Katsuki mumbled out softly before standing back up, helping Izuku back onto his feet too as he snapped himself out of his helpless state.

"If you're tired you can go home first-" Izuku suggested only to get his idea shot down immediately with a huff.

"I'm fine. I'm not leaving you alone here either so don't think about it. Imma grab some fresh air." Letting out a disgruntled grunt, Katsuki escaped into the back alley, scanning the area silently as he watched for incoming humans. 

Squatting down, he lightly cupped up a tiny sparrow from the ground, placing it onto his lap as he tried his magic once again. Holding his hands over the sparrow, informations were sent into his mind, showing the sign of poisoning in the bird's body and how badly infected it was. This made him tsk loudly as he placed the bird onto a grass patch, trudging back into the store with heavy footsteps.

Hearing the door creak open, Izuku entered the kitchen having attended to a customer when Katsuki was out. "Are you feeling better?" He asked with slight worry as the blonde let out a grunt, his mind full of things that he himself couldn't comprehend.

"Deku." Katsuki called out, grabbing Izuku by his wrist before the greenette got a chance to turn away again. Hearing a soft hum, Katsuki gritted his teeth before staring hard with a serious look in his eyes into the emerald eyes of Izuku's. "Let me sleep with you tonight."

"E-Eh?" Izuku's mind paused for a moment or two as he processed Katsuki's words once again in a much slower speed. 

"I said let me sleep with you in your bed tonight." Katsuki insisted, his grip tightening around Izuku's wrist as the poor greenette stood there blankly, too shocked to even comprehend the situation and the blonde's sudden request.


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