Chapter 8

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Katsuki’s POV:

“Kacchan! Can you help me get the plates?” Izuku called out from the kitchen as he stirred whatever he was making in a pan. Turning off the tv, I walked up silently behind him, slumping my chin onto his firm shoulders which made him reach out to rub my head. Leaning into his touch, he let out a soft chuckle before ruffling my hair, his fingers massaging my scalp as I relaxed under his touch. Mmm feels nice…

To think that the first time I did it, he jumped so hard, he ended up hitting my jaw with that shoulder of his before sending me flying with an uppercut. It was a horrifying experience. Who would have thought that a small guy like him would pack such a monstrous punch.

"What you cookin, Deku?" I asked while eyeing the pan with much anticipation. Must be something good. It smells spicy. 

"Skillet pasta with spicy sausages. I've made spicy korean grilled chicken too."

"Sounds nice." I hummed, dozing off on his shoulder which was my new-found comfort spot to sleep on.

"Tired?" He asked softly as I hummed in reply, breathing in the faint homey scent which he seemed to emit. One thing I've learnt from the few weeks of torture is that when I behave, he gets all soft and comfortable around me. If I don't, I'll get my ass smashed in by him. 

"Done?" I asked, hearing him turn off the flame.

"Mhmm. Plates?" Too lazy to move, I poofed two plates in the air to which he caught with ease, scooping the portions onto the plates as his muscles flexed with every move he made. Why is he so hot…

"Kacchan, bring these out." Taking the plates from him, I gave his shoulder a last nuzzle before prying away unwillingly, bringing the plates out as he brought out the drumlets. 


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Taking a large spoon of the pasta, I moaned in delight as the spiciness attacked my tastebuds, followed by waves of savouriness which enhanced the overall flavour of the meal. This is what I call comfort food. 

"How is it?" He asked hesitantly as I took another big spoon of it, giving him the what-do-you-think look to which he let out a soft giggle. Cute…

"It's good." I answered honestly, earning a light blush to his face as he stuffed his face full in hopes to hide his embarrassment.

After dinner, I sent the dishes into the dishwasher with my magic before following after Izuku who already went to wash up. Not that he allowed me to do so but why not take a leap of faith that he won't kill me today. 

Opening the door, I froze as Izuku stared back at me with fear in his eyes. Crimson red blood flowed down his nose like an endless stream, leaking through his shaking fingers and dripping onto the white porcelain tiles. 

"D-Deku?" I called out shakily, my mind blanked out suddenly at the sight of it. Snapping out of my daze, I hurriedly grabbed a nearby towel before pressing it against his nose, making him sit on the toilet seat cover while leaning forward. Spraying his hands clean, I kneeled down before him to take a look at his face which was extremely pale. 

"Do you need me to take you to the hospital?" I asked worriedly as he shook his head weakly, resting his head against my chest as he took long deep breaths. Watching how fragile he looks, my heart hammered against my chest as I kneeled there helplessly, not knowing what's wrong with him. Could he be sick? I should bring him to the hospital-

"I-I'm fine...Kacchan." He breathed out shakily as his body shivered slightly. "See? The bleeding stopped already." He smiled weakly as he placed the blood-stained towel into the basin. 

"Is this the first time?" I asked with a fearful and heavy heart as he paused, shaking his head lightly as I wrapped my arms around his shaking frame, rubbing my hand over his back as he quivered. I should have known. Imagine how scared he was.

"Third." He whispered out as I nodded silently, wiping his unshed tears away as he sat there obediently.

"Rest, Deku. I'm here for you. Just rest and don't think of anything else." I assured him, pressing my forehead against his in a comforting manner as he nodded lightly. 

Pulling his clothes off while keeping his boxers on, I carried him over to the tub before placing him in carefully, allowing him to lean his head over the edge of the tub as he rested with eyes closed. Turning on the showerhead, I tested the temperature of the water before helping him rinse his hair and body.

Giving his hair a good scrub and massage, he moaned lightly, leaning against my touch with a satisfied look on his face as a soft smile tugged at the corners of my lips, proud that I was the one making him feel good. Moving on to his lean frame where one can see the faint outline of his abs, I gave him a quick scrub before rinsing the soap away, not missing the number of times he tensed up under my fingers as they moved over his slender frame.

Drying him off with a large towel, I wrapped him into a burrito before carrying him into his room, setting him by the edge as I rummaged his closet to find a set of pjs and a fresh set of boxers. Giving his boxers a quick swap of place, I helped him put on his pajamas before activating my magic, producing heat from one hand to dry his hair as he leaned his head against my torso, effectively knocking out as soft snores escaped his lips. 

Sigh… he's so precious...

After ensuring that his hair was dry, I fluffed up his pillows, tucking him under his thick blanket and placing a light kiss on his forehead before leaving his room silently. Tossing the laundry into the basket, I took his laptop before turning it on. After giving it some thoughts, I started ransacking the search engine with questions that popped up in my mind. Seems like today will be a long night.

Home remedies for nosebleed and what to take note of it.

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