Chapter 16

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Amidst the silence in the tiny apartment, the sound of whisking was heard as a certain blonde stood focused in a pink frilly apron as he beat the eggs with ease, the pale yellowish mixture coming together neatly. With a pair of chopsticks in hand, he evenly coated the raw meat with flour, egg and panko breadcrumbs, leaving none of the sides left untouched.

Step 8, carefully lay the chicken chops in the hot oil and cook for 5 to 6 minutes on one side, until golden brown. An automated voice sounded, causing the blonde to jump slightly in surprise when it came out of nowhere.

"Shut up, human! I ain't fucking dumb!" He spat, snarling at the phone which he had borrowed from Izuku. Sliding the panko coated meat into the pan, he cursed loudly when tiny oil droplets splattered onto his skin, attacking him like an army of tiny pests.

"Someone should invent oil which doesn't kill humans when cooking... never mind. Kill them all." He grumbled to himself, washing his hands clean while staring up at the time shown on the clock.

Step 9, Flip and cook the other side for another 5 to 6 minutes, or until browned, crispy, and cooked through. The device sounded once again, this time even louder as Katsuki snarled, switching off the device before chucking it into his pockets. As much as he was tempted to chuck it, he didn't need an angry brocolli after him.

"Tsk. What's with the damn humans and their irritating creations." He complained, flipping the meat upon smelling the mild meaty fragrance coming from it. With the steps memorized into his head since the night before, he followed them easily without any mishaps, putting the dish together with a wide smirk on his face, pleased by the outcome.

Putting all into a bag, along with a few glass containers, he cleaned up the place quickly, throwing all the used dishes into the dishwasher and everything else into the bin. Giving the place a last check, he huffed in satisfaction, grabbing the bag of food before locking up the place as he speed walked back to the shop. 

"Oh Kacchan! You're back!" Izuku exclaimed as the back door swung open, revealing a slightly out of breath Katsuki. "What took you so long? Did you run home to cook again? I told you takeaway was fine didn't I?" Izuku sighed loudly but deep down inside, he couldn't help but feel touched by the blonde's actions as a slight fuzzy feeling filled his heart.

Ever since he was discharged from the hospital, the blonde has been nothing but the most caring and sweetest person- well... devil around. From making lunch instead of the unnutritous ones he had deemed that are sold outside, he has been actively helping around with the housework without complain.

"Hah! Who would bother doing something so tedious! I bought it ok! The queue was fucking long that's it." Katsuki snapped, a blush covering his cheeks as he huffed, placing the bag down onto the kitchen island as Izuku brought out the chairs.

"Oh where did you get it from?" Izuku teased with a playful look in his eyes as the blonde paused, sweat-dropping slightly as he swiftly made up a location. 

"The store a few stores down you know. You take a left turn then walk a little then cross the traffic." Katsuki blurted out as confidently as possible as he took out the meal he made, passing one over to Izuku before taking the other for himself.

Trying his hardest to hold back his laughter back, Izuku snickered lightly as a restaurant selling soba popped up in his mind based on the directions given

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Trying his hardest to hold back his laughter back, Izuku snickered lightly as a restaurant selling soba popped up in his mind based on the directions given. "Itadakimasu." Thanking Katsuki for the food, Izuku dug in quickly, eating it down heartily as he held back the tears in his eyes. "It's delicious."

Watching the greenette enjoy his cooking, Katsuki grinned widely, proud of his handiwork as he himself took a large mouth before swallowing with a slight look of disgust on his face. "What the fuck? It's fucking bland." He stared at Izuku in disbelief, not knowing how the greenette can eat such bland stuff like he was eating some sort of delicacy. 

"Really? I find it really good." Izuku praised as the blonde stared at him blankly, shoving another spoonful down his throat while cursing himself for how bad it tasted.

"I must have not marinated the meat long enough..." He grumbled to himself as Izuku purposely leaned towards him.

"What did you say?"

"N-Nothing! Just eat your damn food, Deku." He snorted, digging out the 3 pudding cups he made, slamming 2 down before the greenette.

"Woah! Pudding! They look so good Kacchan!" Izuku exclaimed as he eyed the familiar looking glass containers with the outline drawing of his idol at the bottom which he had bought a few years back but never got the chance to use them

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"Woah! Pudding! They look so good Kacchan!" Izuku exclaimed as he eyed the familiar looking glass containers with the outline drawing of his idol at the bottom which he had bought a few years back but never got the chance to use them.

"Hmph! Of course they do! It took me damn long to find a shop you know!" Katsuki boasted, finishing his own cooking quickly before washing the containers. "Before you ask why, I'm just recycling." He defended himself swiftly once he realised the knowing looks on Izuku's face.

"Sure sure. I wasn't even planning on asking." Izuku chuckled, digging into his pudding as Katsuki took his container to wash. "Anyways... Kacchan?" He called out sweetly as Katsuki froze, sweat pouring down his face as he quickly recalled what he had done over the past few days.

"Y-Yes, Deku?" He stuttered, swallowing hard before turning to meet the emerald green eyes of the other.

"You're getting punished tomorrow." Izuku smiled widely as the blonde paled miserably, not looking forward to what warth he was going to face the next day.

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