Chapter 6

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Katsuki's POV:

"Change." He ordered, throwing pieces of rags at my face. How dare he throw such unfashionable stuffs at me?

"No." I answered, throwing the rags off my face and onto the coffee table beside. With a constantly mumbling nerd around, it makes learning even much faster.

"Then you stay here. You ain't following me wearing just boxers and a singlet." He said in a firm tone, grabbing his keys and wallet and preparing to leave me behind. Tsk.

"Fine fine. Give me a sec." Grumbling, I trudged to the window, catching eye of some human clothes which may fit my style. Visualizing the image in my mind, my scales rearranged themselves before transforming into a black over-sized hoodie and a pair of comfortable joggers. Not bad.

Turning back to the nerd who seemed to be in a state of shock, he stuttered parenthetically as he pointed shakily towards my clothes. What? Too hot for him?

"K-Kacchan! How?! It just- oh my god... I saw his d-d-di-eek!" He squeaked, his cheeks flushing red in embarrassment as he tried to cover his face. Ha... cute. I smirked, sauntering towards him till we were just an inch apart. 

"How is it?" I asked teasingly, trailing my finger along the curves of his hip to his waist. Tracing small circles over his slender frame through the thin fabric of his, he shivered a little as a soft gasp escaped his lips in a breathy moan. Fuck, him and his seduction. 

"B-Big... I-I mean the h-hoodie looks big!" He stammered out quickly, running out of my grasp and towards the door where he swiftly slipped on his shoes before dashing out of the front door. Tsk, if only we were back in hell... I would have him kept in my room in his naked glory as I pamper him with everything he wants.

Izuku's POV:

Oh gosh oh gosh. I saw it. I saw it with my own two eyes... he's really a devil! That makes whatever he said to make sense! I was the crazy one here. Maybe that explains the big- coughs - big selection of clothes he has despite never seeing them in the laundry basket-

"Oi. Shut it nerd. Humans are staring." He called out in a slightly annoyed manner, pulling me closer to him by the back of my shirt before slinging his arm around my shoulder. "Stop wandering away."

"S-Sorry!" I exclaimed in a hush whisper, allowing him to keep his arm around me in case I accidentally leave him behind in the mall. I know how scary it is to get lost in a foreign place all by yourself. "Hey... you're actually a devil, are you?"

"No shit." He huffed, rolling his eyes at my question like I was asking something stupid. Nodding slightly at his words, we walked in comfortable silence as I took the time to sort out my thoughts to the day I first met him in the park.

"Can you remove this then?" I asked, holding up my hand to which the ring was stuck on. After visiting a few shops for help, to which of course to no avail, I've given up on trying to remove it and had forgotten about it until now.

"Can't. Unless the wearer dies, it'll stay on forever." He answered with a shrug as I felt my shoulders drop in disappointment. Great... so I'm stuck with this for life. It almost sounds like I'm marri- No no no. Not with him for sure.

Coming face to face with the supermarket, I pulled out a basket from the usual area. Squatting down to tie my laces tightly, I gave my limbs and neck a nice stretch before cracking them loudly.

"Deku?" He called out in a curious manner as I held a finger to his lips.

"Kacchan... quiet." I ordered, bending my knees as I took a deep breath. "Here we go, Kacchan!" Saying that, I grabbed his hand with my free one before dashing in and heading to the closest aisle where all my dry ingredients sat.

"You crazy shit! What's there to run?!" He exclaimed, pulling onto my hair as he nagged like the mum I didn't have.

"Got a problem?" I snapped, eyeing him from top to toe as he stood there silently without a word. Good. That's what I thought. It's fun to drag a clueless him around.

Katsuki's POV:

Tch. Who does he think he is, ordering me around like that. Like I'll do whatever he says-

"Kacchan, can you help me get that?" He asked while jumping as he tried reaching up to the highest shelf to grab a bottle of shit. Heh... cute.

Going behind him, I reached for the item with ease, purposely pressing my abs hard against his back with a smirk when I felt him freeze upon the contact. "Here." Throwing him the bottle, he smiled softly, putting into the already filled basket. Old hag... how did he even? (A/N: Jesus → Satan → Old Hag cuz his mum is Satan herself)

As he lifted the basket up with ease, I felt a swell of pride surge at the arm strength he had but nonetheless took the basket from him. It's the husband job to do the heavy-lifting. His job is to just run ahead and let me observe that gorgeous butt of his... 

"I can get it-" He tried to argue but was interrupted by 2 humans walking over. 

"Hey, we saw you guys from afar and wondering if you're single." They asked in a sultry tone, scanning my nerd with lustful eyes. Who do they think they are? How dare they look at him that way. 

"He's taken." I answered firmly for Deku as he tugged onto my arm lightly in respond. 

"Kacchan, they're talking about you, not me." He whispered with a soft giggle which made my heart go warm at that sight. Looking back to the measly humans to find that their eyes were indeed on me, I let out a small sigh of relief before hooking my arms around Deku's waist. I thought I have to find a place to bury them. 

"Listen here humans..." I started but felt that it was too troublesome to explain to them in words. Turning Deku around to face me, I lifted his chin gently to which he stared at me with slight fear as to what is to come.

Leaning close, I place a light kiss on his cheek, letting my lips linger on the soft baby skin of his before pulling away unwillingly. The rest will be done in the bedroom. 

As if getting the memo, the humans snorted, walking away with disgusted looks on their faces. Tch. Rude fucks. Snort all you want pigs.

"W-Was that necessary?" A shy voice sounded as I stared down with a wide grin at the blushing broccoli. 

"Nope. But I wanted to." I answered honestly as his face flushed an even darker shade of red. Now I'm so tempted to bite down on his cheeks. They felt so soft like mochi. Bet he tastes good. "Ok, ready to check in?" I smirked, sending him a wink as he swiftly turned to look at the floor, revealing his reddened ears which was hidden in his long fuzzy hair.

"Kacchan... check out. Not check in..." He muttered as I grinned even wider at how easily embarrassed he is. 

Seems like he ain't that innocent as he seems to be. Actually, I wonder how many times he had jerked himself off to get those arm strength of his. Maybe slightly lesser than me.

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