Chapter 24

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Sitting silently on the bed, Katsuki froze, seeing how pale the greenette was. Reaching out hesitantly to feel how cold the sleeping male's body felt, Katsuki sucked in a deep breath to calm his heart, putting a fake smile on his face before gently shaking the smaller male up.

Fluttering his emerald green eyes open, Izuku turned his head slightly to face the blonde, a slight smile forming on his lips when he felt a hand running through his hair in a tender manner.

"Morning Deku." Katsuki said calmly, running his fingers through Izuku's wavy locks as he knelt at the side of the bed watching the greenette with a soft gaze.

"Good morning, Kacchan..." Izuku whispered, grabbing hold of the blonde's free hand and bringing it up to his lips. Placing a soft kiss on the back of Katsuki's hand, he nuzzled his cheeks into the large warm palm, savouring the comforting body heat from the blonde.

"Hungry?" He asked as Izuku shook his head weakly, not having the appetite nor strength to eat. "Is there anything you'll like to do?"

"Can you help me with the packing?" Izuku asked softly.

Seeing the look in the smaller male's eyes, Katsuki nodded without a word, lending the greenette a hand as they sat on the ground where all the empty boxes were.

In the middle of packing, Katsuki pulled out a large box from the deepest end underneath the bed, eyeing the foreign box curiously as he had never seen it before. "Hey Deku, what's this-" Before he can even complete his sentence, the greenette had launched himself over the box, hugging it tight with an extremely reddened face.

"I-It's n-nothing." Izuku stuttered out as he attempted to pull the box out of the blonde's strong grip but failing miserably.

"Nothing? Then why are you hiding it?" Katsuki questioned, sending the greenette a side glace as he eyed the box in his hands. Picking it up, he shook it slightly, feeling how heavy the contents were as objects rolled around inside the box. "I give you 3 seconds, Deku. 3...2-"

"I-It's! It's... Hatsume's babies..." Izuku stuttered out, hiding his extremely flushed face behind his hands in embarrassment as Katsuki sent him an amused look.

Throwing the lid off, Izuku screamed, diving back under his covers as Katsuki eyed the treasure he found. "Woah..." He said in awe, eyeing the thing that was crazily vibrating in his hand like a massager. Digging into the box to find more treasures like one that's supposed to be attached to the chair and it will do its magic, Katsuki bellowed in laughter, snorting loudly at the collection Izuku has.

"I didn't know you like these sort of stuff Deku." He teased, a wide smirk plastered on his face as he lifted the cover the greenette was hiding under to see his reaction.

"I don'ttt! I've never used them before!" Izuku whined, burying his extremely heated face against the bedsheets, not wanting to look at the blonde's face.

"Ok ok fine. I was just kidding. Don't suffocate yourself." Katsuki snickered, lifting the greenette gently off the mattress and onto his lap, their lips almost touching. Resting his chin onto the greenette's shoulder, he pressed his face against the male's neck, taking in the scent which he seemed to seek comfort from.

"I'll miss you, Deku." He whispered, wrapping his arms around the frail body which has thinned visibly since the last time.

Reaching up slowly, Izuku wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck, bringing him closer before rubbing his cheek affectionately against the blonde's. "Me too Kacchan... I'll miss you too." He whispered back in a calm gentle tone, feeling the blonde's arms tightened around his frame.

"Stay here." Katsuki instructed as he attempted to stand but got stopped by arms that wrapped around his waist.

"Bring me with you Kacchan... Please? I don't want to be alone." Nodding understandingly, Katsuki lifted the greenette up into his arms, bringing him into the kitchen before setting him down carefully on the countertop.

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