Chapter 4

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Katsuki's POV:

Where the hell did that Deku go and what the heck is that? Is it even edible? It looks like a towel. You know what, fuck that shit. I'm starving and it smells go... I mean gross. Hah! As if food made by that Deku can even smell good. What a joke. But I'm not going to waste food so...

Picking the towel-like thing, I took a huge bite out of it, squatting on the comfy seat with a blank expression as I stared at it speechlessly. What the heck?

That's it. I'm gonna marry him. 

Ain't no one can change my mind now. I'm dragging him back with me if needed to. This towel thing is out of the fucking world! Whoever created this shit is a genius! It's so fucking good! The spiciness warms my stomach and heart like a heat warmer and the overall flavour satisfies my tastebuds better than what I've ever eaten before. 

Chomping down the remaining bits, I flopped back onto the soft pillows thinking of my next step but nothing came to mind. What have I been doing in hell all along? Let me see, morning I'll have breakfast served by round face, then shitty hair spars with me. Dunce face appears as and when he likes to piss me off then on some steamy hot videos for me to watch. 

The women in there were hot as hell, totally from how that Deku looks. That Deku is cute. His large emerald eyes that complements his fluffy dark green hair and the scatter of freckles like stars in the sky, it's beau- 

Wait... Who the fuck said that! Deku is not cute! Deku is... It is... ah fuck that! It's barf-worthy! But I need a wife like that you know, so the other demons won't think of stealing it away. Hah! What an awesome plan! Only I am capable of thinking out such genius plans.

Time to pay my future wife a visit.

Izuku's POV:

"C-Can I-" The customer stuttered out timidly, earning a death glare from the blonde lunatic as he stared down on her intimidatingly. That crazy-

"Harh? You dare interrupt me? You fucking damn human pheasant-" He snarled at her, causing my last shred of patience to snap.

"Katsuki Bakugou." I gritted out as sweetly as possible, effectively catching his attention as he snapped his head back to me. 

"Yes, my wife?" He smirked, flipping off my customer as he leaned over the counter with a smug look on his face. How I wish to slap that smug look off his face.

"Sit and stay." I motioned towards the kitchen chair as his grin became even wider, leaping over the counter with ease before disappearing behind the door. 

"A-Are you okay? Do I need to call the cops?" The customer asked worriedly as I slumped forward, waving my hand before me in defeat.

"I would have if he were sane. I was thinking about calling the mental institute instead." I sighed in defeat, packing her order as I paid close attention to any sounds that may emit from the kitchen. No sounds means a good sign.

"What's stopping you?" She asked as I froze, wondering what's stopping me from doing so too. That thought never quite seem to appear in my head. Is it because he's hot? I mean, sending a guy that hot to the mental institute is quite a waste but still, it'll be better for him to seek treatment soon. What's stopping me exactly?

"Oi, Deku." A voice sounded beside my ear all of the sudden, making me squeak as I jumped slightly, hitting my head hard against something. "For fucks sake! Are you trying to kill me?!" He snarled, holding onto his reddened nose as he checked for blood.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't know you'll be behind- where's the customer?" I asked while grabbing a cold pad for him, realizing that the customer was no where to be seen.

"It left a long time ago and here you are standing and looking like a fool. Hold it for me." He grumbled, snatching my hand with the cooling pad and positioning it over his nose. Thank goodness it doesn't seem to be broken.

" It's a she. Not it." I corrected, earning a shrug from him as he leaned back against the kitchen island. 

"Humans are all it. We demons do not call such lowly creatures he or she, only it." He responded smoothly, like it's been something he's taught since young. Well, I'm not going to argue with him cause he doesn't seem like someone who will listen.

"Fine fine. So why are you here again?" I questioned, remembering the scene he made moments before.

Clearing his throat, he grabbed the hem of my shirt, pulling me closer to him until our lips almost touched. His warm breaths caressing my cheek as he spoke. "I'm here to ask you to marry me." He repeated, removing the cooling pad off his face to stare deep into my eyes. 

Oh gosh, oh gosh! Why is he so damn hot! I feel like I'm going to melt! This is dangerous for my poor heart. "W-Why should I?" I stuttered out while putting on a strong facade, pretending not to be affected by his intense gaze and warm breaths when my heart was racing faster than All Might flying. Let me tell you, he flies extremely fast in Thor. He went swoosh! Zam! Then zoom! Then woosh!

"Cause I said so." He answered confidently with a grin, his hand reaching up to cup my cheek as he drew random patterns over it with his long slender fingers, sending chills down my back despite feeling hot. 

"Why me?" I asked, not understanding his decision yet his gaze never seem to waver.

Pulling me closer to have his warm breaths touching my ear, he whispered. "Cause you make great food." 

Grabbing the cooling pad off that was put away, I pulled myself away instantly before slapping it back down onto his face. "Get lost." To think that I actually thought that he really liked me. He just likes my food- Why do I even care if he likes me? 

"What?! After I confessed my love to you?!" He stared at me in disbelief as I rolled my eyes at his childish antics.

"You confessed love to my food. Not me." Like the hell I will like a guy like that. I'll go crazy.

"What do you want then? I can give you gold, a house or an island even! Just say it and I'll give it to you." He groaned, staring up at me as I stood there with arms crossed, a random thought crossing my mind. If he's out at this timing...

"Have you cleaned?" I asked sweetly, grabbing the fruit corer that was hanging off the rack. I wonder if this will hurt enough.

"No?" He replied as I wiped the metal equipment carefully, seeing it shine under the light.

"I see... cook?" 

"Aren't you suppose to do that-" Maybe a fruit corer isn't enough. How about a rolling pin...that should do the job. "W-Wait a minute. What's wrong? Why are you looking like that?"

"I give you 3 seconds to run and make sure you have everything done back in my place." Informing him with a very long grace time period, I patted his head firmly before leaving the kitchen. "3!" I shouted but no sound was heard. 

"2..." This time loud shuffles were heard, followed by things dropping. I swear I'll murder him if he damaged any of my babies.

"1." Hearing the sound of the back door slamming shut, I wiped my hands clean as I attended to the new customer with a bright smile.

"Welcome to Deku's Delight! How may I help?"

Qns: What will y'all like to see in the future chapters?

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