Chapter 12

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“Kacchan!” Izuku’s voice boomed, echoing throughout the whole apartment as Katsuki froze in his spot, not daring to take another step. Turning his head slightly with a fearful look on his face, he came face to face with an angry broccoli who’s standing behind him with arms crossed as an irritated look on his face.

“Y-Yes Deku?” Katsuki stuttered out, fearing for his life as he quickly thought back on what he could have done wrong to face such wrath. Stomping towards the blonde, Izuku grabbed his muscular bicep, pulling him into his room before closing the door behind them. 

“Katsuki…” He started as Katsuki gulped, sweat forming on his forehead upon hearing Izuku call him by his name.

“When’syourbirthday?” Izuku rifled out quickly, face palming himself on the inside as that wasn’t what he really wanted to ask the blonde. 

“Harh?” Katsuki voiced as he stared at the greenette with an unamused look on his face. Despite that, he would rather have the greenette be the random Deku he is than to whoop his ass for something he did. A scary Izuku was a satan worse than his old hag.

“April 20th…” He mumbled under his breath as Izuku gasped in alarm.

“Ehh?! That’s like in two weeks time!” Izuku exclaimed as he swiftly thought out a plan in his head to celebrate the blonde's birthday when he realised that the one month they've agreed on was going to end in a week's time. This made his heart drop as he imagined himself living all alone again. While Katsuki wasn't the best room mate, he no doubt brings life to the quiet place, something which Izuku didn't get to experience living alone.

Watching the smaller male frown over him, Katsuki couldn’t help but snort a little, not knowing what’s the fuss. Back in hell, he never bothered about celebrating his birthday as his mum always threw overly grand parties for him which he doesn’t give a fancy towards. 

“Whatever. Let’s go, Deku.” He huffed, throwing Izuku over his shoulders before trudging out of their house, hands hammering against his back like a free back massage.

"Let me down Kacchannn!"

"Hell no."

~ Time Skip ~

"Deku." Katsuki called out as he handed the greenette a tray of flawless looking cakes which he had done up within minutes. Staring at the gorgeous cakes in awe, Izuku hummed in delight as he proceeded to arrange them neatly in the showcase as Katsuki swiftly did up the next batch.

Just as Izuku was done, the door chimed, signaling the arrival of a customer as he perked up over the counter with a bright smile on his face. "Welcome to Deku's Delight- Todoroki?" He gasped upon noticing the unique hair colour of his customer.

"Midoriya?" The doctor asked as he eyed the greenette behind the counter with an expression that mirrored his.

"Doctor Todoroki! What a coincidence!" Izuku exclaimed excitedly as he leaned over the counter, appreciating the view of a handsome male and his great sense of fashion. 

"Doctor? Since when did you visit the doctor?" Katsuki questioned in a gruff voice as he stomped out of the kitchen to see who the person was with his very own eyes.

"Your boyfriend?" Shoto asked as Izuku shook his head quickly, causing the blonde to let out a slightly irritated tsk.

"Yea I'm his boyfriend you candy cane! Whacha gonna do about that!" Katsuki snarled, sending a smug grin towards the doctor before throwing his arm over Izuku's shoulder and pulling the startled greenette towards him.

"Kacchan!" Izuku gasped loudly, causing the blonde to stare down at the male in his arms.


"What do you think about a candy cane cake?!" The greenette asked excitedly as he stared up into Katsuki's eyes with his sparkly green ones.

"Really Deku? Cake?" Staring at Izuku in disbelief to which the greenette shrugged, Katsuki growled, threatening to explode but held back nonetheless. Watching the entertaining drama with much interest, Shoto decided to egg the fuming blonde on by adding fuel into their conversation.

"Well I think that will be a great idea for Christmas, Midoriya." He beamed, showing the most innocent smile as the greenette turned to him within record time.

"Right?! I knew it would be a great idea! " "Shut up human!" Izuku and Katsuki chorused at the same time, rolling their eyes at each other's comment.

"Human? Then what are you? A devil?" The doctor taunted, causing Katsuki to flinch ever so lightly that it wouldn't be caught by human eyes unless solely focused on him, which was exactly what Shoto was doing.

"A devil? You must be joking. Kacchan is like Satan himself." Izuku snorted, causing the blonde to let out growling sounds as he attempted to strangle the greenette.

"How dare you call me that you nerd-" Before he could even complete his sentence, Izuku smacked the back of Katsuki's head with the hardcover order book before kicking him back into the kitchen. Sending him a firm glare, Katsuki sealed his lips immediately yet unwillingly as the greenette skipped back out to the front.

"Anyways, what would you like Todoroki?" Izuku chirped as Katsuki growled while eyeing them from the kitchen.

"I'll have 5 All Mights special." Shoto ordered, grinning slightly when he recalled his dad's disgust towards cheesecakes. "Make it 10."

"Of course!" Packing the cakes quickly, Izuku handed the heavy box to the doctor, "That will be $55 in total!"  

Taking out his dad's shiny credit card, Shoto swiped it without care, giving Izuku an additional fat tip much to the greenette's surprise. "Thank you Todoroki! Please come again!" 

"Never come back candy cane!" Katsuki screamed from the kitchen, flipping him his long middle fingers as a book went flying his way. "Fuck you Deku!"

"No thank you Kacchan!"

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