Chapter 15

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"T-Todoroki?" A faint voice sounded hoarsely as the doctor looked up from his clipboard with a pleasant smile on his face.

"Nice to see you awake, Midoriya. How are you feeling?" Shoto asked as he made his way beside the greenette who was looking around slightly confused.

"A little sore but great as usual. Where's Kacchan? Why am I in the hospital?" Izuku asked curiously as he eyed the IV tubing stuck into his hand, prodding it a little to check if he was dreaming. The weird feeling of the needle moving under his skin didn't felt like he was dreaming at all.

"You've collapsed due to bradycardia. We've fixed a pacemaker in you to help with the beating of your heart. If you're asking about the loud blonde,  he was the one who carried you here and he left just shortly before." Shoto answered his questions calmly 

"L-Left? D-Did Kacchan say where he's going? What day is it today?" Izuku panicked as he turned to look at the clock beside him with dread shown on his face when he realised the 1 month period Katsuki had asked for was up.

Watching as the greenette's face scrunched up ugily with tears welled up in his eyes, Shoto let out a soft sigh before passing him a strawberry flavoured All Might candy. 

"For me?" Izuku asked as he received the cute packaging hesitantly, his eyes shining slightly at the sight of his idol. "Thank you." He beamed, opening the wrapper as cautiously as he could, popping the round ball of sugar into his mouth before grinning like a little kid as he savoured the sugary treat.

"Midoriya." Hearing the serious tone from his doctor, the greenette looked up to him, waiting patiently for Shoto to begin. "Do you know that Bakugo is a devil?" The doctor asked as Izuku nodded without a hint of hesitation.

"Do you know that you're going to die if you stay with him any longer?" He asked again as Izuku shook his head calmly.

"How long do I have left with him?" He asked while fiddling with his fingers as Shoto's lips curled up into a grim expression, not liking to break him the bad news.

"I'll say 2 and a half months if he doesn't use his powers but around 1 month if he does. It varies. The more he uses his power, the faster your life is consumed by him. Your life is the main source of power for him to continue living on Earth." Shoto explained clearly yet slowly as he watched out for the greenette's reactions.

Hearing the news, those emerald eyes of Izuku's widened a little before softening as he smiled back up at the worried doctor. "I would have recommended you to leave him but seeing your expression, I doubt you'll listen."

"I won't leave Kacchan. He may be the one consuming my life but I've never felt more alive. With him around, I feel like I'm finally living. I want to spend my remaining time with him if I could." Izuku smiled as brightly as he could while his fists clenched around the thin cloth of a blanket that was covering him. As much as it hurts to know the truth, he was glad that he was of help to the blonde he had grown to love.

"I wish you all the best then, Midoriya." Shoto said sincerely, nodding at the strong-willed teen before leaving promptly.

Sliding the door close behind him, he turned slightly, eyeing the blonde who was slumped against the wall with an arm over his eyes. Despite trying to hide his pain, the blonde's silent agony was reflected in the endless streams of tears that ran freely down his face and how hard he was gritting on his teeth to prevent himself from letting out a cry of weakness.

Placing a firm hand on Katsuki's trembling shoulder, Shoto let out a short sigh before turning on his heels. "Treasure him, Bakugo." He simply advised before proceeding to attend to the other patients in need, knowing that the blonde was fully aware of what he should do.

Feeling exhausted from all the emotions running inside him, Katsuki took a deep breath, calming himself down while he sat on the cold hard ground, watching as the time ticked past slowly as he thought long and hard for what was the right thing to be done. Making up his mind, he pushed himself off the ground before smacking his cheeks hard. "Yosh."

Sliding the door open with a bang, a squeak was heard as he stared at the greenette who was staring at him in shock. "Kacchan! You're here!" Izuku exclaimed in relief as he let the tension escape from his once tensed body.

"Heck yea I'm here, you shitty Deku. Can't possibly leave a weakling like you alone." Katsuki snorted, making his way towards the patient before taking the seat beside him. "How you feeling…" He mumbled, eyeing the bandages that peeked out from under the loose hospital clothes.

"I'm as fit as a horse!" Izuku beamed, showing off his slight muscles to which he wheezed from the ache in his chest, forgetting that he had gone through surgery.

"Tsk. I told you not to do all the hard labour work. Now look at you. This is the outcome for not listening." Sending a scowl towards the greenette, Izuku chuckled guiltily, slapping his palms together as he apologised to the fuming blonde.

"So… do I pass?" Katsuki asked hesitantly, wanting to hear it for himself despite knowing the answer to it already.

"Yep and I'm not letting you go." Izuku chirped as a light blush appeared on the blonde's cheek.

"Well, you can just say Bakustop…" Katsuki murmured, causing the teen's eyes to widen in shock.

"Kacchan… did you just crack a joke?!" Izuku gasped loudly before filling the depressing hospital room with cheerful laughter.

Feeling his face heat up like no other, Katsuki exploded, shouting at the greenette to cover up his own embarrassment. "Shut up Deku! No I did not! Anyways, I'm not leaving you even till the end of the world. Not even if you beg me to. You're mine forever." He claimed as Izuku sent him a genuine warm smile.

"I couldn't ask for more, Kacchan."

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