Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV:

This is awkward... 

"Oi! Are you gonna talk or are we gonna sit here like mutes?" He asked irritatedly as I scratched the back of my neck hesitantly. Talk? What does he want to talk? Is it even normal to talk to your stalker and in your own house?

"Err...tell me about yourself?" I asked hesitantly as he threw his hands behind his head with a smug look on his face.

"Well since you've begged for it... I'm Bakugou Katsuki. The next ruler in line for hell. Being invited to patronize this planet, I took my time off to come and visit. Who knew that they wouldn't allow me to return so soon. Tell me about yourself, brocolli." He introduced confidently as I held back the urge of calling the mental institution to take him away.

"I'm Midoriya Izuku but people call me Deku. I'm also a baker as you would have known and I'm just a normal human being, not some demon lord like you." I responded calmly with a hint of sarcasm before taking a sip of my tea as an awkward silence filled the air once again.

"You're not going to ask me to prove myself?" He asked with a slight hint of irritation as I shrugged. Who knows exactly how insane is he in the mind? Taking another sip of my tea, I plainly ignored him, causing him to let out a low growl as he stomped to my side. "Look here." Giving him a side look, he grabbed my hand, pulling it towards himself as he held his palm over mine.

"Watch and be amazed, Deku." Letting out a full-blown grin, a warm heat was transferred to my palm followed by a cool sensation. Lifting his palm off my hand, he smirked arrogantly as he watched my face for a reaction.

A... ring? I see. " magic trick." I chuckled awkwardly, picking up the black band cautiously as I gave him a look of encouragement. Seems like he wants to be a magician. I'll give him that. At least he can find a job after getting released from the mental institute. It wasn't that bad of a trick. But, dang does he use expensive props. This doesn't feel fake. 

"That's all? That's all you gotta say?!" He screamed, grabbing the ring out of my hand before sliding it down my index finger

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"That's all? That's all you gotta say?!" He screamed, grabbing the ring out of my hand before sliding it down my index finger. "Now, you'll do whatever I say. So let me stay at your place till I find a way back." He crackled as I stared at him blankly.

"If that's what you wanted, you could have asked me nicely you know?" I sighed, too tired to entertain him further. If he wants to stay then stay. I don't have anything valuable to steal after all. "But you have to help out with all the cooking and cleaning."

Katsuki's POV:

Harh?! Me? Cook and clean for a measly human?! What a joke. Like the hell I would. How dare it ask me to do such things. If we were in hell, I'll have sentenced him to death a thousand times already.

"In your fucking dreams." I retorted as he sighed. Standing up, he went to the door to unlock it. Ha, finally leaving I see- 

"Please leave then. Or I'll call the cops." He said in an uninterested manner as I stared back at him speechlessly. Did he just try to chase me out of his place? ME? Everyone literally begs me to grace them my holy presence in their homes and this human is chasing me out?? Seeing how I wasn't going to budge, he sighed deeply again, slamming the door shut and locking it.

"I'm going to bed. Feel free to leave once you're done. I'm having a headache just talking to you." He muttered, rubbing his head as he trudged into a room and locking the door behind him. 

The fuck? Did he just ignore me again? What the hell do I do now? Why can't I summon the damn portal when I could create the ring? Talking about the ring... how can that damn human breakthrough my slave command? Back in hell, whoever that puts on the ring will have no choice but to listen to me!

Tsk, I'll just wait until he comes out tomorrow. See what I'll make him into. No one disrespects the Bakugou Katsuki.

Izuku'z POV:

Why... is he still here? Don't tell me he's really planning to stay? Whatever- wait, I forgot to give him a blanket! What if he catches a cold! I mean even though he's a lunatic who ain't in the right mind, I can't treat a human like that! 

Rushing back to my room, I took the spare covers from under my bed, walking over to him before throwing it over him. Geez, how can one be that barbaric? Even his sleeping form is... I mean who sleeps with one leg over the sofa and his head threatening to hit the floor?! He's gonna break his neck and die-

... not that I care.

But if we look up close...he looks like a soft little kid. If only he keeps his mouth shut and stays as docile as he is while sleeping, he's sure to have girls fawning all over him. I mean, I know a hot guy when I see one. 

Getting one last look of him, memorizing his facial features in case he decides to steal and run, I stood back up while stretching my stiff limbs, hearing the bubbles pop at every action. Gosh, I feel old.

Making us breakfast, I covered his portion with a mesh food cover before grabbing mine to go. Hopefully, he hates spicy food, makes sure that chases him out. 

Food check, keys check, wallet check- Oh right, the ring

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Food check, keys check, wallet check- Oh right, the ring. I better return it to him in case he needs it for his next trick. Pulling the ring, well more like attempting to pull off the ring, it remained stuck to my finger without a budge, as if it was super-glued to my finger or something. Oh gosh, I hope this isn't expensive. If it is, I don't think I can afford to buy another for him...

Sigh...why is this happening to me? I'm sure I haven't offended any gods or demons so why am I given such a devil... oh wells, as long as he doesn't try to kill me then it should be fine for now. I hope.

Let's see... ok, let's go with a Sero Hanta special today! Since a tape was the cause of my downfall since yesterday... sorry Sero, I didn't mean to offend you. You're still one of my favourite actors. 

Well then... let's just hope that person will be gone before I'm back. I sincerely hope. I've got this strong feel that nothing good will come out from staying with him any longer.

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