Chapter 29

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Darien's pov

As we made our way over to Caitlin and Harry I could see Harry was trying to apologise to Caitlin. I sat down next to her and she started talking to me. "I want a cat." Caitlin said to me. "And what makes you think you can take care of this cat!" I asked her. She went in to this huge story about how she is going to take care of this cat. " I want a cat cause I'm going to be a old cat lady when I get older so I might as well get a head start right? I mean plus cats are freakin awesome and they love me, I'm like the cat god to them. So basically I'm doing the cats a favor by being a cat lady. And I just really love cats."

"What will your mom say?" I asked after her rant. "Don't you remember I moved out. Jeez,"she added, "Your still moving in right?" With every thing that has happened today I forgot that I was moving in with my best friend. "Oh gosh I can't believe I forgot. Yes I am still moving in its just we have had a lot of things going on today." I said to her. "Ok that's fine, but I still want a cat." She said to me. I just smiled at her and shock my head gosh that kid is stuborn. Just then louis popped up and wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered something to her I couldn't hear. Caitlin turned around and looked at Louis with a big goofy grin on her face. Oh gosh what did he say to her. Then Caitlin got up took louis hand and she said "Let's go get me my kitty before the store closes" she said happily.

Caitlin, Louis, Niall, Harry, and I got in to Harry's car an drove to the pet store. Cassidy, Liam, and Zayn took Liam's car back to there flat. When we got to the the pet store I could see that Caitlin was still avoiding Harry. When we walked in I took Harry's hand and took him away from the group. "What is going on between you two?" I asked him. He look down and muttered "iwasflirtingwithourwaiter." He said to fast for me to understand him. "Ok, slow Harry," I said to him. "I was flirting with our waitress." He said. "Harry, Caitlin just got out of a bad relationship how do you think she is feeling right now your the first guy she has gone out with since Dan." I told him. Harry wasn't looking at me he was looking past me. "What are you....." I said while turning around to see Caitlin and Louis. Louis had his arms around Caitlin's waist and she was holding a little white kitty the kitty has black tips on its ears. They looked so cute together and I could tell that Harry was a little jelly. She came over us not paying any attention to Harry look "I want this one" she said holding the baby kitty. "Well if you buy it food, litter box, clean the litter box, and every thing else that they need then I am ok with it." I told her.


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