Chapter 2 - Poppy

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A young Pop Troll by the name of, Princess Poppy, was walking around with her dad, King Peppy, they were at the Games Arena as several Trolls were competing for being the most fun

Poppy's friends, DJ Suki and Creek, sat next to her

"Hey, Poppy!" DJ said

"Namaste." Creek smiled

"Hey guys! You both here to watch the games?" She asked them

"Are we ever?!" DJ smiled

"It is rather fun to watch others peacefully compete." Creek said

"That's well said." Poppy said as she giggled

Creek smiled at her

DJ just sat there and then suddenly coughed

"Anyway! Who are you guys rooting for?" DJ asked them

"I'm going for Guy's dad, Mr. Diamond. What about you Creek?"

Poppy and DJ looked for him

"I don't need to root. Everyone's a winner in my eyes. Boop." He booped Poppy's nose

"I'm gonna say Mr. Diamond as well. He's the funnest Troll out there!" DJ said

"Yeah! Maybe Guy will be the funnest Troll like his dad when he's older!" Poppy smiled

"Maybe even funner!" DJ said

Poppy dramatically gasped

"I'll be back Poppy. I'm gonna get us all popcorn!" King Peppy said and ran off

"You do that dad!"

"Oh! He's going up!" Creek said as he pointed

They both looked ahead


"AND NEXT IS MR. DIAMOND!! WOOP WOOP!!" A Pop Troll announced

"WOOP WOOP!!" The Pop Trolls all said

Mr. Diamond grabbed a stick and threw it ahead and hit the dot

"YEAH!! YOU GO DAD!!" Guy shouted from the stands


Later, Poppy, DJ, and Creek left the Games Arena and went

"Alright friends, I was thinking we could go out and find some foods to feed the glorious creatures that wander the forests." Creek said

"We could, or we could just sing a song!" Poppy smiled

"YEAH!!" DJ yelled shooting her fists in the air

".......that's fair." Creek said

Song: Wannabe (Spice Girls)

"Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!!" Poppy sang

DJ and Creek looked at her and smiled

"So tell me what you want, what you really, really want!" They both sang

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!" Poppy sang again

"So tell me what you want, what you really, really want!" Creek sang

"I wanna." Poppy sang

"Ha!" Creek sang

"I wanna."

"Ha!" DJ sang

"I wanna."

"Ha!" Creek sang

"I wanna."

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