Chapter 15

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Branch sat on a couch while he was looking at a map he had found. He had to find a way to get home, so did everyone else

"Branch!" Poppy sat next to him

"Oh, hey Poppy." He looked away from her

"So! What are you up to?" Poppy asked

"I'm trying to find a way for us to all go home." Branch answered

"Hmmm, interesting. How about you put it down, and come hang out with the rest of us?"

"You mean playing pointless games, when we could look for a way home?" Branch asked with sarcasm

"Exactly! I knew you'd get it!" Poppy smiled


They went over to the others who were playing Candy Land. Trollex, Guy, Smidge, and Prince D were playing and everyone else was watching

Trollex picked a card and he had to go up orange once. He picked up his piece and put it down

Barb flipped the board

"BARB!!" They all shouted

"THIS GAME IS BORING!!" She shouted back

"You didn't have to flip the board!" Prince D and Smidge said

"Friends, lets all calm down-"

"SHUT IT HIPPIE!!" Barb shouted


"HEY!! Let's just all relax." Branch said to them

They all stopped talking

"What happened?" Branch asked

They all started talking at once

"ONE AT A TIME!! DJ!" Branch called

"Well things did escalate pretty quick, but what caused it is everyone yelling at each other while taking turns in Candy Land." DJ explained

"Interesting, Darnell?"

"Well I wasn't really paying attention, but I did hear yelling." Prince D said

"Hmmm, interesting, Guy-"

Barb stood up and left the sewer

They all watched and DJ followed her with Smidge and Trollex


Barb sat by a lake then Trollex's head came out of the water

"Hi, there!" He smiled

She stared at him then DJ and Smidge came over

"Hey, Barb." Smidge waved

"You alright?" DJ asked

"Never better! I flipped that board just because I wanted to!" Barb said

"Wow." Trollex put his mouth under water

"So, what do you wanna do since we're out here?" DJ asked



They were on top of a cliff by a lake with a large elastic cord connected to them


"DON'T BE A BABY!!" Barb yelled back and jumped off the cliff

Smidge and DJ looked at each other and shrugged then jumped off the cliff

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