Chapter 4 - Barb

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A young Rock Troll by the name of, Barb, was out in town and was spray painting a wall with a picture of someone and heard someone behind her

"HEY!!" They called

She turned around and saw someone then smiled

"Hey, man!" She smiled

"Don't "Hey, man!" Me! You know spray painting is a huge no no, kid!" The Rock Troll said

"Right, right, but I don't remember asking." Barb said

"THAT'S IT!!" The Rock Troll ran to her

Barb appeared behind him as she was getting something out of her teeth

"Did you get her?" Barb teased with a smile

He turned around and saw her and was confused. She was just in front of him, right?


"Oh! Let's just say I got a gift." She said

"Get OVER HERE!!" He jumped at her

But she went back rather fast

"You want me? Come and try and get me!" Barb teased as she ran off at crazy speed

"Guys, I need help." The Rock Troll said as he face planted to the concrete

Song: Rotten To The Core (Descendants)

Barb ran around and saw more of the Rock Trolls dresses like the one from before and smiled

"They say I'm trouble, they say I'm bad. They say I'm crazy, and that makes me glad." Barb sang

She jumped over the Rock Trolls and kept running as they continued to chase her

"A dirty no-good, down to the bone. Your worst nightmare, can't take me home." She sang

She turned her head to look at them and they continued to chase her. Barb looked forward again and kept running

"So, I'm got some mischief in my blood. Can you blame me? I'm just looking for fun." She sang

She ran into an alleyway and saw them run pass and ran the other way

"They think I'm callous. A low-life hood. I feel so useless. Misunderstood!" Barb sang

The Rock Trolls appeared in front of her. Barb fell back and smiled again and ran the other way

"Trouble, trouble always there. Is there anyone out there like me? Welcome to my crazy world, crazy world." She sang

The Rock Trolls surrounded her. Barb looked around for an escape and looked underneath them and ran to them and slid under there legs

"HEY!!" The Rock Trolls shouted

Barb stuck her tongue out at them and ran off again

"I'm rotten to the core, core! Rotten to the core! I'm rotten to the core, core. Who could ask for more? I'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door! I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the. I'm rotten to the core!!" Barb sang

She ran into a sewer drain and slid in the sewer water. She jumped on top of a table once she got out

Barb spray painted a Rock Trolls face

"Call me a schemer, call me a freak! How can you say that? I'm just...unique." Barb sang

The Rock Troll tried to grab her but Barb jumped up and zoomed off

"What, me? A defect? Not supposed to be like this? Somethings wrong with me? What's up with that?" Barb sang and saw the Rock Trolls coming after her again

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