Chapter 23

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Branch jumped over the walls and hide in an alleyway looking for his grandma. He knew she was here

He turned the corner and ran into Guy

"Guy? What are you doing here?" Branch asked him

"I actually don't know, but I'm here to help you out, Branch." Guy said

Branch smiled and nodded and ran off with him


Trollex got in by the sewer drain and got out when he arrived

He immediately started looking for his dad

He saw Guy and Branch and went down to them

"You guys missing anyone too?" He asked them

"Yeah, I'm missing my grandma, and well I'm not sure about Guy." Branch said

"I'll help in any way I caaannn!" Guy said with auto tune

Branch and Trollex both nodded

"Ok, here's the plan to get us inside." Branch said starting to explain


Poppy and the others jumped over the wall as they all fell on Hickory

"HEY!! WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA- Poppy?" Hickory finally looked at them

"Oh hey, Hickory. What are you doing here?" Poppy asked him

"I'm here to save my brother! What are you doing here?" Hickory asked her

"I'm here to save my dad." Poppy said

"Yeah, me too!" Barb said

"And I'm here to save both my mom and dad." Prince D said

"And we're just here!" Smidge said putting her fists in the air

"Yeah!!" DJ said doing the same thing

"Ok? Then let's go!" Hickory said

"Way ahead of you." Barb said grabbing them and zoomed off


Branch, Guy, and Trollex arrived in the building and immediately started looking

Guy got his glitter maker ready in case someone tried to sneak up on them

Trollex had water floating around him just in case

Branch had goggles on to see if anyone was behind a corner while they were walking

"You see anyone, Branch?" Guy asked

"Nuh-uh. Wait! I see something but it's fast!" Branch said

"What?! Where?!" Trollex asked

Branch pointed left

Trollex shot his water in front of them


Poppy and the others were holding onto each other as Barb was running around a building

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