Chapter 1 - Branch

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A young Branch appeared from the Troll Tree with his grandmother, Rosiepuff. She was making him cookies, he watched with a smile on his face

"Are they done yet grandma?" He asked running next to her

"Not yet Branch. Go ahead and sit down." She said with a soft smile

Branch nodded and sat in a chair and started hitting his fingers against the table as it played a tune

He smiled and grabbed his flower microphone and jumped on the table

Song: Never Ending Story (Stranger Things)

"Turn around. Look at what you see. In her face, the mirror of your dream." Branch sang

He looked at his grandma, and saw her taking the cookies out, and helped her by placing them on the table carefully

"Make believe I'm everywhere! Given in the light! Written on the pages is, the answer to a never ending story, ah!!" Branch sang

He grabbed a chair for his grandma

"Reach the stars. Fly a fantasy, Dream a dream, and what you see will be!"

"Rhymes that keep their secrets will, unfold behind the clouds. And there upon a rainbow is, the answer to our never ending story, ah! Story, ah." He sang as the song finished

"That was lovely Branch, now come sit and eat." His grandma said

"Ok, grandma!" He smiled and sat in a chair in front of her

He got a vision of some sort of possible futures but tried to ignore them and then he got them again. Rosiepuff noticed

"Branch? You ok?" She asked

"Yeah, I think? I keep seeing different outcomes of the future, and one of them is me getting taken away from you." Branch said as he started to tear up

"Oh Branch."

She hugged him

"You'll never be taken away from me." She said

Branch hugged her and ate again

He kept thinking how and why he saw those things and wondered what they meant and if he should be worried or not. He tried to not think much about it


Later that day, Branch decided to go ahead and make something for his grandma

"Ok, now if my vision will go ahead and work, how will grandma react to this?" Branch asked himself

Vision 1

Branch went to his grandma and handed her a picture he drew of him and her. She looked at it with a smile and it quickly disappeared

"I don't look like that." She said showing him

Branch looked at the ground

Vision 2

Branch went to his grandma and looked at his picture and took a deep breath and walked to her

"Hey, grandma? I made you something." Branch smiled

"What'd you make Branch?" She asked

He took another breath and started to get nervous and finally handed it to her

She looked at it

Branch started to get anxious as it was quiet for a long time

"Do it?" He asked

"I.....don't know." She said

"Oh.." Branch grabbed it and walked away


Branch decided to man up and even if his grandma didn't like it he would still try to get better

"Grandma!" Branch called out and ran to her


"I made you something." He said growing nervous

She gently grabbed the picture from him and looked at it

"Oh, Branch.."

"I'm sorry it's not good! I-I should've never thought to make that-"

She hugged him

"It's beautiful." She said with a smile

Branch hugged her back


Later that night, Branch was peacefully sleeping. Two creatures entered and looked around and saw the sleeping child and walked quietly to him

"Remember to be quiet." One of the said

The other one nodded and picked up Branch carefully as to not wake him up and they left with him and got on a caterbus and placed him on one of the seats

"Wow! That was probably the easiest one yet." One said

"Yeah, yeah, sure let's just go." The other said as he drove away with them

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