Chaoter 18

273 9 11

Branch and others were packing their things since they were leaving the sewers and finally going to find a way home this time

Poppy took something out of her hair and it was a picture of her and her friends. She looked at them, then looked at Branch

"Hey, Branch?"

"What?" He asked not looking at her

"What if DJ and Barb were right?" Poppy asked

"I doubt it. We should focus on getting home instead of worrying about them. It'll only get us killed." Branch said

"Why can't you think optimistically about this?!" Poppy asked

"Because being optimistic got me taken away from my grandma ok?!!" Branch told her

Everyone looked at them

"Now leave me alone." He said leaving to get more of his stuff

Poppy followed him

"How did being optimistic get you taken away from your grandma? What were you doing?" She asked

"Being uncautios. If I just looked into the future that I was taken, I could've prevented it and be home with grandma.." Branch said

"Maybe it happened for a reason." Hickory said


"Yeah, maybe you couldn't prevent it." Smidge said

"But you can help us all get home." Prince D said

Guy nodded to agree

"Yeah, maybe you guys are right." Branch smiled

"Oh my- are you smiling?" Poppy teased

Branch stopped smiling


"I think you were." She said

"Let's just get our stuff and find a way home." Branch smiled

Everyone nodded to agree

An explosion was heard near the entrance

Branch looked and ran in the direction. He hid behind the table and closed his eyes

He saw Lance and Raphael with a few other people with them. Branch went back to the others

"What was it?" Guy asked

"It was Lance and Raphael with a few others." Branch said

"How'd they find us?" Smidge and Prince D asked

"Didn't your friend, Cybil, say this place isn't easy to find?" Hickory asked

"She did. I-I don't know how they found us." Branch said

"Creek. He's the only one Barb and DJ were talking about yesterday." Guy said

"So, they were right?" Branch asked starting to feel bad

"It seems that way." Hickory said

"Then what do we do?" Poppy asked

"We get them to leave." Hickory said

Everyone nodded but Branch

"Guy, you go and hide and I'll give the signal for you to blind them." Hickory said

Guy gave a thumbs up and ran off

"Smidge, once Guy blinds them, I want you to stomp on the ground to knock them down." Hickory said

Smidge nodded

"Darnell, I want you to electrocute them once their down." Hickory told him

"Ooooh, ooooh what about me?!" Poppy smiled

"Poppy, I want you to turn into a Greygon to scare them." Hickory told her

Poppy turned into a Greygon and gave a thumbs up

Hickory looked at Branch

"Branch, you alright?" Hickory asked him

"What are you going to do?" Branch asked him

"I'll use my Sonic Scream to send them away, then we need to go to that back exit you told me about." Hickory said

Branch got a hold of himself and nodded


Lance and Raphael looked for the Trolls with the others. Lance was playing with his LEGO car he built

"PUT THAT AWAY!!" Raphael yelled

He took it from Lance and threw it on the ground as it broke into many pieces

"HEY!!" Lance yelled

"FOCUS!!" Raphael told him

Lance sighed and looked around

"Come out, come out wherever you are little twolls." He said

Guy looked at Hickory

Hickory had his hand up for him to wait. He looked at Poppy

Poppy nodded and jumped in front of Raphael and the others

They fell back in fear

Hickory gave the signal to Guy

Guy jumped in the air and glew up

His friends shielded their eyes as Raphael and the others were blinded

Smidge stomped on the ground knocking them over. Prince D sent a wave of electricity at them. Hickory used his Sonic Scream to send them away like he had planned

They were shot out of their hiding place

Hickory called for everyone

They ran to the back exit to get out

Creek appeared behind them and touched Prince D, Smidge, and Guy's backs as they fell to the ground passed out

Branch, Hickory, and Poppy looked at Creek

"Oh, friends. You should've really listened to them." Creek smiled

He touched Hickory and Poppy as they fell to the ground

Branch looked at Creek taking a stick out from his hair

"Yikes, mate, what are you going to with that?" Creek asked

"Where's, Trollex?!" Branch asked him

"Trollex? Oh! You'll see him soon enough." Creek smiled

Branch hit him with the stick. Creek swiftly moved out of the way and tapped Branch's shoulder with his finger

Branch fell to the ground unconscious

"That should take care of that." Creek smiled

Raphael and Lance came to Creek and the Trolls

"You got them that quick?" Lance asked

"It's all about stealth and manipulation." Creek smiled

"Sweet. Wait! Weren't there two more?" Raphael asked

"Yeah, but they're long gone by now." Creek said

"Ok, I'll trust you." Raphael said

They grabbed the Trolls and put them in the caterbus and went back to where they took them before

Trolls: Locked AwayWhere stories live. Discover now